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你这个讨厌的癞蛤蟆!You repulsive little toad !

所以这是一个排斥场。So that is a repulsive term.

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他听起来就是一个让人厌恶的小屁孩。He sounds like a repulsive young man.

因此这儿有一个排斥术语。And so there is a repulsive term here.

所以,这就是排斥能。So, this is the repulsive energy term.

挖鼻孔这种习惯很讨厌。Picking your nose is a repulsive habit.

我删除了这些令人厌恶的评论。I did not allow these repulsive comments.

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并且有一个相互的斥力。And, there is a mutual repulsive force here.

吸引力和排斥力达到平衡。Attractive and repulsive forces are balanced.

许多人觉得瘌蛤蟆和蛇可憎。Toads and snakes are repulsive to many people.

他总是这样没皮没脸的,招人讨厌。He is always shameless, and is repulsive to others.

核子内部的斥力是巨大的。The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous.

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我从来没有容许如此厌恶的手摸我!I would never allow such repulsive hands to touch me!

当距离很小很小时,基本上只有引力。And at very, very low separations, it's all repulsive.

它们实实在在互相排斥。Quite literally, they find each other's presence repulsive.

此刻他连妻子也感到面目可憎,令人讨厌。And his wife's face, too, struck him as repulsive and hateful.

净能量是排斥能,和引力能的总和。The net energy is the sum of the repulsive and the attractive.

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这一个阳离子受到了来自,另一阳离子的排斥力。This cation feels the repulsive force of the cation over here.

为什麽在我们的属灵生活中像温水一样是非常令神厌恶的?Why is being lukewarm in our spiritual life so repulsive to God?

的另一种效应就是把环的边缘弄得像扇形皱褶。Yet another effect of repulsive gravity is to scallop ring edges.