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结论HJ有平喘的作用。Conclusion HJ has an antiasthma effect.

目前该职位是暂时由沙巴人莫哈末尤索夫哈芝易卜拉欣医生代替。Currently, the post is temporarily held by a sabahan, Dr Mohd Yusof Hj Ibrahim.

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自从加入庐江之后,我的英语成绩一天比一天好。My english performance is better than one day by one day since I joined HJ English.

莅临东莞厚街国际大酒店,开启全新活力体验之旅。Welcome to the HJ International Hotel Dongguan, to experience your delightful journey!

赖朝死后,幕府实权落到北条家族手中,对这个体系做了修正。This system was improved by the Hj family, which took control of the shogunate on Yoritomo's death.

在沪江,没人再能说对新概念英语一无所知,因为这里有许多学习小组和活动。No one can plead ignorance of NCE in HJ any longer, for there are numerous study teams and activities.

在沪江,没人再能说对新概念英语一无所知,因为这里有许多学习小组和活动。No one can plead ignorance of NCE in HJ any longer, for there are a multitude of study circles and activities.

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该师与希特勒青年师是唯一的两个在这一时期还在车辆上涂师徽的党卫军师。This division and HJ were among the last SS divisions to continue using divisional markings on their vehicles.

曾玫,陆权,钱渊,等。上海地区儿童下呼吸道人偏肺病毒感。Kim YK, Lee HJ. Human metapneumovirus associated lower respiratory tract infections in Korean infants and young children.

沪江网的工作人员透露,第100万论坛注册会员将得到来自沪江网的限量版纪念T恤一件,并被授予“沪江幸运用户”头衔。As a staff member disclosed previously, the user will be given a numbered HJ T-shirt as a reward and entitled “HJ Lucky Member”.

在静载试验中对混凝土裂缝宽度的量测采用HJ系列混凝应变计,获得了较精确的试验结果。On the static loading test, to obtain a more precise result, the HJ series of concrete sensor was used to measure concrete crack width.

恒基光伏电力科技股份有限公司真诚的承诺您,为符合您的需求提供最优质和在全球范围里具有竞争力价格的太阳能产品。HJ Solar sincerely assures you that we will provide high quality PV products with reasonable price to all of our customers around the world.

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本文拟对HJ公司人员忠诚度培育研究,解决企业员工离职率过高,忠诚度不高的问题。This thesis studies the cultivation of HJ Corporation personnel loyalty, and solves the questions that the separation rate excessively high and loyalty not high.

蒲黎明,俞欢军,陈德钊。连续多蚁群算法的构建及其在过程动态优化中的应用。高校化学工程学报。已录用。Pu LM. Yu HJ and Chen DZ. Continuous ant colony system and its application in dynamics process optimization. Jounal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese University.

而在内部条件上,HJ公司具备质量管理、土地储备量较大和一定的品牌优势,也存在资金实力有限、专业人才不足等劣势。In the internal conditions, HJ Company has quality management, land reserves and a larger brand advantages, there are limited on financial strength, expertise inadequate inferior.

该机制中,提出了采用HJ算法进行局部搜索,防止陷入局部最优,并对QPSO算法进行离散化处理以便更匹配离散的频谱分配模型。The mechanism adopts HJ algorithm to local search to prevent falling into the local optimum, and proposes a discrete QPSO algorithm to match the discrete spectrum assignment model.

在前往莫斯科在1923年或1924年,然而,他获得的股票果蝇了苏联进口的黄建忠穆勒和改变了分类过程中他的研究。On a trip to Moscow in 1923 or 1924, however, he obtained stocks of Drosophila melanogaster that had been imported to the USSR by HJ Muller and altered the taxonomic course of his research.