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有很多的斜体字。There's a lot of italics.

紫色斜体字不够......Not enough purple italics....

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很多的斜体字,那对你意味着什么?A lot of italics. What does that connote to you?

是否应先应用粗体后应用斜体?Should bolding be applied first and then italics?

这些确认状态用斜体表示。These confirmation states are shown with italics.

物种名称和其他拉丁美洲条款应当打字楷体字。Species names and other Latin terms should be typed in italics.

无衬线字型库有相关的斜体、黑体、和黑斜体。The sans-serif font has associated italics, bold, and bold italics.

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此外,S-等位基因的名称必须用斜体书写。In addition the name of the S-allele must be written in " italics ".

重写以下的文句子,并把用斜体显示的名词改为复数式。D. Rewrite these sentences changing the nouns in italics into plural.

环轮候的游戏玩家将是蓝色,粗体和斜体。Ring games players are waitlisted for will be blue, bold and italics.

在我的观点中的每一位作者的关键贡献都将用斜体字加以强调。Key contributions of each author, in my view, are emphasized in italics.

姓名物体的标准库,然而,在楷体字。Names of objects in the standard library, however, are presented in italics.

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尽量避免使用全大写字母和斜体字,在电脑屏幕上更难读。Minimize the use of ALL CAPS and italics as they are much harder to read on screen.

富文本,比如带颜色的字体、不同大小的字体、粗体、下划线和斜体Rich text, such as colored fonts, different-sized fonts, bold, underline, and italics

改写以下句子,将斜体印出的词和词组作主语。Change the form of these sentences. Your sentences must begin with the words in italics.

在通篇红色粗宋体的印刷作品里,用小隶手写的信息最抢眼不过了。When every thing's printed in bold red letters, a message written in small italics stands out.

该用户为主标题选择了粗体,为子标题选择了粗体加斜体。This user has chosen bold formatting for a main heading and bold plus italics for a sub-heading.

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有一些卡为了新手的方便会在牌上用斜体字进行注释。Some cards with keywords also have reminder text in italics , mainly for the benefit of newer players.

在这个例子中,我将从服务器发送到客户机的消息显示为斜体,以便区分。In this case, I've shown the messages from the server to the client in italics just to distinguish them.

它是去年才发表的,在一下用斜体字列出,我的评论还是用正体的文本。They published this piece just last year and it appears in italics below, with my commentary in plain text.