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一架飞机正在森林上空盘旋。An airplane was swanning over a forest.

现在我们正漫游欧洲,是吗?。Swanning around Europe nowadays, are we?

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她一个夏天在欧洲游逛。She spent the summer swanning around Europe.

她一个夏天在欧洲游逛。She's swanning around Europe for the summer.

你打算今天下午去郊外转转吗?Are you swanning off to the suburb this afternoon.

你们打算今天下午去郊外玩吧?Are you swanning off to the suburb this afternoon?

他们这周末去巴黎潇洒去了。They've gone swanning off to Paris at this weekend.

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我想,周末你会去巴黎闲游。I suppose you're swanning off to Paris for the weekend.

在登山假日里那些男孩在奥地利漫游。The boys are swanning around Austria on a mountaineering holiday.

我在欧洲游荡,好像爱德华时代在做大游历的年轻人,这是为了什么呢?What am I doing swanning around Europe as if I am some young Edwardian doing the Grand Tour?

你来老特拉福德,你去了你们教练那里。你喝你的水,你悠闲自在的闲逛。You come to Old Trafford, you go over to your manager, you're drinking your drink, swanning around.

僵尸也很谦逊——你根本看不到到他们处游荡、爱摆架子,向我提到的其他怪物一样。And he's humble. You won't find zombies swanning around and putting on airs like some other monsters I could mention.

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如果这些车辆在纷乱的、打了就跑的坦克战中到处行驶,它们就会妨碍作战。Such vehicles would hamper operations if they started swanning about in the midst of a swirling, hit-and-run tank fight.

僵尸也很谦逊——你根本看不到到他们处游荡、爱摆架子,向我提到的其他怪物一样。You won't find zombies swanning around and putting on airs like some other monsters I could mention. They're monsters of the people.

当我游离着镜子前面最新款的模特装时,她就会平静的问我,你需要或者你想要吗?And as I was swanning about in front of the mirrors, modelling the latest must-have item, she would quietly ask me, `Do you NEED it or do you WANT it?