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那时猎狗还是只狗崽子。The Hound was just a pup.

当然,山姆已不再是一只小狗了。Of course, Sam was hardly a pup.

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Peggy把小狗抱到台子上。Peggy lifted the pup onto the table.

他带着我们已恢复平静的小狗走了出去。Off he goes with our much-calmed pup.

原来这条小公犬在主人家里大搞破坏。The pup had been destructive in the house.

我一直在建设两轴的皮特小狗。I've been building a two-axle pup for the pete.

原因是这头17个月大的小僧海豹正在变得愈发成熟。That's because the 17-month-old pup is maturing.

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小狗跌进泥坑便爬不出来了。The pup was in a fix when he walked into the mudhole.

那个该死的小帐篷就跟猫尿一样臭,比猫尿还臭。And that goddamn pup tent smells like cat piss or worse.

小狼崽看起来和门廊上的小狗崽一般年纪。The pups looked to be the same age as the pup on his porch.

这一时期也是进行幼犬排泄训练的好机会。This is also the time to train your pup in toilet-training.

那只丑陋的杂种幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup , was loping about the road.

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一天早上,艾伦在门廊风化的地板上发现一只小狗崽。One morning Aaron found a pup on the porch’s weathered planking.

看起来是拉布拉多猎犬和德国牧羊犬交配的品种。The pup looked to be a cross between a Lab and a German shepherd.

狼崽的吠声就好比是在它成长发声过程中的一个中间产物。Wolf pup barking seems to be an intermediate noise you grow out of.

小海豹贪婪地吸着奶,吸完一个奶头接着吸另一个。The pup suckles greedily, first from one teat and then from another.

如果你是安静和被动统进党将你的领导和学会放松。If you are quiet and passive the pup will take your lead and learn to relaxed.

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所有额外能源,您幼犬将能够休能大增健步如飞!With all that extra energy, your pup will be able to chase his tail for hours!

这一切都从她最好的朋友给她带来名叫露比的一只拉布拉多犬开始。It all happened when her best friend brought her Ruby, a Labrador Retriever pup.

他气昂昂来到管娱乐室那个勤务兵住的小帐篷里,给了他一顿熊。He stalked over to the pup tent of the recreation tent orderly and bawled him out.