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她双手沾上了血迹。Her hands were bloodstained.

现场有一把染有血渍的斧头。A bloodstained axe was found at the scene.

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邓布尔多递给哈里一把带有血迹的剑。Dumbledore hands the bloodstained sword to Harry.

你被血所沾污的发丝灼烧我在一片蛇的海洋。Your bloodstained hair sears me in a sea of snakes.

接下来的旗子是1968年,看上去有些血迹斑斑。Then comes a banner from 1968, which looks bloodstained.

视频截图显示一个中国新疆的女人身上满是血污。A video grab shows a bloodstained woman in Urumqi, China.

他穿着那件黑色的,沾满了血迹的外套和蓝色的牛仔裤。He was wearing that dark, bloodstained overcoat and blue jeans.

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此外,他们还发现了希特勒那血迹斑斑的沙发残骸。The Russians also took fragments of Hitler's bloodstained sofa.

我的第一站是试装间,我在这里穿上重口味的“血衣”。My first stop is at wardrobe, where I try on a disgusting bloodstained suit.

在西方,大量的男人和女人是大规模杀人装置的强烈支持者。Lots of men and women in the West are fervent supporters of bloodstained setups.

我们自己就是过去革命运动的产物,一些改革的程序甚至比革命更血腥。Some processes of reform have been far more bloodstained than some acts of revolution.

不过这堆信和花束仍然不能完全盖住地上的锯木屑和其下的一片血迹。It still could not quite cover the sawdust and the patch of bloodstained ground beneath.

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挥舞AK47和血染棒球帽是利比亚革命者的形象。Brandishing Kalashnikovs and bloodstained baseball caps, these were Libya's revolutionaries.

鱼梁木的树皮灰白如骨,叶色深红,有如千只染血手掌。The weirwood's bark was white as bone, its leaves dark red, like a thousand bloodstained hands.

它以杀人的战争场地而广泛闻名于世界的,当然也有通过电影闻名的。It gained world wide fame as a bloodstained battle ground and of course through the movie as well.

一万名奴隶高举血手,她骑在银马上,风一般飞驰而过。Ten thousand slaves lifted bloodstained hands as she raced by on her silver, riding like the wind.

韦小宝哈哈大笑,从椅子底下钻出来,手中兀自握着那柄带血的钢刀。Trinket began to laugh hysterically , and emerged from under the table, still clutching the bloodstained sword.

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智妍是高速公路收费站的收费员。某夜,一辆神秘的黑色房车交了一张染满血迹的票给智妍,智妍感到非常恐惧。Ji-yeon, a tollgate ticket girl, is frightened by a mysterious black car, which pays a bloodstained ticket fee at midnight.

只有颚骨、头骨和血迹斑斑的沙发残骸被保存在前苏联情报机构的档案馆中。Only the jawbone, the skull fragment and the bloodstained sofa segments were preserved in the deep archives of Soviet intelligence.

在新墨西哥州的洛斯阿尔莫斯国家科学实验室,通过电脑处理,这张图片显示出了都灵裹尸布上的斑斑血迹。This computer-enhanced image, created in New Mexico's Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratory, shows bloodstained areas on the Shroud of Turin.