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午餐后,我们去漂流的源头。Finishing lunch, we went to the drifting headwaters.

四道乃比逊、基训、底格里斯和幼发拉底河。The four headwaters are Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.

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这些山脉才是恒河水的真正源头。These mountain slopes feed the true headwaters of the Ganges.

圣拉斐尔山谷的地形和地质形成圣克鲁斯河的源头。The San Rafael Valley's topography and geology forms the headwaters of the Santa Cruz River.

中国在云南上游流域有三座正在运行的水坝,目前在建的还有两座。China has three operational dams on the river's headwaters in Yunnan and two more are being built.

在萨尔温江和长江上游也存在类似的泥沙污染状况。Similar sediment pollution scenarios are occurring in the headwaters of the Salween and Yangtze Rivers.

黄石公园位于黄石河的源头,因而该公园以其历史名字而命名。The park is located at the headwaters of the Yellowstone River, from which it takes its historical name.

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智利以南,奥希金斯湖的南部地区,这里就是帕斯夸河的源头,智利政府计划在帕斯夸河上修建三座大坝。Southern Chile, south of O'Higgins, the site at the headwaters of the Pascua river where three dams are proposed.

“三江源”有“中华水塔”之称,是世界高海拔区生物多样性最丰富、最集中的地区之一。The area of " Headwaters of Three River" is located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which has the richest biodiversity.

要是这些人把一油轮的漂白剂推翻到费恩河的源头的话,所造成的破坏会减少。Had these people tipped a tanker load of bleach into the headwaters of the river Finn, they would have done less damage.

没有了赚钱,花钱也就成了无源之水,无本之木,是无法存在的。If there is no money making, spending money will be a river without headwaters , a tree without roots, it can't exist alone.

为改善和保证库区水体水质,有必要对生态系统受到破坏的水库水源地进行生态修复。It is necessary to take ecological restoration to improve water quality in ecosystem destructed headwaters area of reservoir.

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为了满足泰安市经济近远期发展对水质水量的要求,必须对饮用水水源地进行保护。In order to satisfy Tai'an economic development request for water quality, we have to protect the headwaters from being polluted.

夜半时分,在亚马逊河的源头,我坐在一个树墩上,身后是傍水的棕榈叶作屋顶的小村落。I was sitting on a stump at the edge of a bankside palm-thatch village, in the middle of the night, on the headwaters of the Amazon.

社会分层标准的理论源头为卡尔·马克思的阶级分析理论和马克斯·韦伯的多元分层理论。The theory headwaters of society Delamination standard is Karl Heinrich Marx's class analysis theory and Max Weber 's more factor delamination theory.

汽车废电池中含有酸和重金属铅泄漏到自然界可引起土壤和水源污染,最终对人造成危害。Car's discard is sour to leak nature and can cause soil and headwaters to pollute with heavy ls lead in the battery, end rightness artificial become bane.

利用该法可进一步提高泉域岩溶水资源量及水源地可开采量的计算精度。The use of this method can further increase the calculating accuracy of the karst water resources of the fountain area and the mineable yield of headwaters.

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对刚好位于湄公河上游的维西与香格里拉之间的一段新修公路的调查揭示了严重的侵蚀问题。A survey conducted along a new segment of the road between Weixi and Shangri-La just above the headwaters of the Mekong River revealed epic levels of erosion.

汽车废电池中含有酸和重金属铅泄漏到自然界可引起土壤和水源污染,最终对人造成危害。Car's discard is sour to leak nature and can cause soil and headwaters to pollute with heavy metals lead in the battery, end rightness artificial become bane.

红杉河源头的山崩和侵蚀危害着原始森林和大麻哈鱼、虹鳟鱼孵卵的地方,促进了公园的发展。Landslides and erosion in the headwaters of Redwood Creek, which imperiled ancient groves and the salmon and steelhead fisheries, provided the impetus for park expansion.