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我们不对消息材料做审查。We do not censor material.

你必须是你自己的检查者。You have to be your own censor.

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有一个白人监察官在监视着我。A white censor was standing over me.

一些政府依然审查互联网。Some governments still censor the Internet.

他们在自由、民主的法兰西审查小说!They censor novels in free, democratic France!

谁来审查脸谱网中国,谁不会?Who would “Facebook China” censor and who not?

所以,分析隐含着作为审查官的分析者。So analysis implies the analyser who is the censor.

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他让信使把稿件送到新闻检查官办公室。He sent the draft to the censor 's office by a runner.

电影审查员决定从电影里剪去几个镜头。The censor decided to cut several scenes from the film.

那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。Several word have is delete from the article by the censor.

亚伦拿著香炉为人们的罪赎罪。Aaron took the censor and atoned for the sins of the people.

有些政府要审查反政策的报纸。Some governments will censor certain anti-policy newspapers.

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这篇由于某些原因我们放在以后来讲。That's only there because someone tried to censor that book.

或者你没有作为一个旁观者、一个审查官去看?Or do you look at it without the outsider, without the censor?

那篇文章中有好几个字被新闻检查官删去了。Several words have been deleted from the article by the censor.

那本书中有好几段被新闻检查员删去了。Several paragraphs have been deleted from the book by the censor.

李明远,大中中监察御史。诗一首。Li Mingyuan, medium and large in monitoring the censor. Write a poem.

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法律规定,爱资哈尔有权利审查涉及宗教内容的出版物。By law, al-Azhar has the right to censor books that touch on religion.

混乱的审查体现了这一事件的微妙性质。That scramble to censor underscores the delicate nature of the scandal.

蒂姆写过一篇关于这里夜生活的文章,给新闻检查官枪毙了。Tim wrote a piece about the night life here. The censor killed it dead.