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路边的蝴蝶花。The voice of wayside pansies.

可以种植于庭园或路旁。Can cultivate at curtilage or wayside.

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它们使预防工作半途而废。They let prevention fall by the wayside.

沿途都有向导和客店为我们预备着。There are guides and wayside inns along the road.

宁为路边草,山水别样情。Rather wayside grass, the landscape another feeling.

半夜柔性的蹲在路边上看黄灯。Midnight flexible squat in the wayside watching yellow light.

“这些假设已经遭到挑战,并终将成为历史”。Those assumptions have been challenged and put by the wayside.

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路边的风物,老使他想起他向他太太求爱…The wayside object reminded him so much of his courtship of his wife.

道旁的草,爱那天上的星吧,你的梦境便可在花朵里告终了。Wayside grbumm- love the star- then your dreams will come out in flowers.

路边的小草你若爱恋著星子们,那麽你的梦将化为花朵。Wayside grass , love the stars, then your dreams will come out in flowers.

孩子们原想徒步行走50英里,但大多数都半途而废了。The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike , but most of them fell by the wayside.

我是说新闻进过上述条件过滤后,很多都会落在一边。And when you look at the news through that filter, a lot falls by the wayside.

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她的注意力过度集中在一个项目上,把其他的事都抛在一边。She’d become hyperfocused on a project and let everything else fall by the wayside.

当你的感情生活在经历这些俗事的时候,别让你的性生活靠边站。When you experience these ruts in your relationship, don't let sex go by the wayside.

录音带和录像带多年前就已经被束之高阁,现在就连要找到都很困难。Cassettes and video tapes went by the wayside years ago. They are very hard to find now.

在路边那每个陌生的旅人都可以站立的阴凉下,我只是谦卑地歇一歇脚。I humbly took my shelter under the wayside shade where every strange traveller may stand.

但是速度就是一切,没有速度,其他所有的功能都被抛到了一边。But speed is really everything. Without speed, all the other features fall by the wayside.

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拉什特说,也许,失掉后面这个能力后E4的好处就形同虚设了。Perhaps, Rusted says, without this second capability, epsilon 4's benefits fallby the wayside.

当其他人跌倒在路旁时,他们是如何激发自己坚持下去的?How is it that the successful motivate themselves to keep at it when others fall by the wayside?

包括车上传感器,路旁探测设施和自动轨道几何系统。Examples include onboard sensors, wayside detection devices and autonomous track geometry systems.