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为圣经展开的争战。The Battle for the Bible.

我圣经读得够多够好了吗?Did I read my Bible enough?

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圣经里面没有。It's not found in the Bible.

新国际版。The New International Bible.

燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。Bible passage came to Yancey.

他在1455年就印刷了圣经。He printed the Bible in 1455.

是否出自圣经?In the Bible,not in the Bible?

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他们称这个地方为圣经带。They call this the Bible Belt.

燕西想起了圣经中的一段话。A Bible passage came to Yancey.

世界华文圣经学院。Global Chinese Bible Institute.

是否源自圣经?In the Bible? Not in the Bible?

是否语出圣经?Is that quotation in the Bible?

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健康是宝,平安是福。Being healthy is the real Bible.

渊田开始拜读圣经。Fuchida began reading the Bible.

古腾堡圣经出版。The Gutenberg bible is published.

查经会比健身运动更吸引吗?Will Bible study win over sports?

犹太教的希伯来圣经。It's the Hebrew Bible for Judaism.

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圣经称这是「神的管教」。The Bible calls this 'chastening'.

一本“抄本”就是圣经的复制本。A "witness" is a copy of the Bible.

你是否曾去撢除家中圣经上面的灰尘?Did you dust off that Bible at home?