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爸爸会去给你买一个棒棒糖。Papa's gonna buy you a lollipop.

我吃了爆米花,玉米片,香蕉和棒棒糖。I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop.

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舔着棒棒糖,在下午的阳光中唱着爱的旋律!Lick lollipop , sing the song in the afternoon!

棒棒糖的诱惑,只可惜不属于我。Lollipop temptation, but does not belong to me.

你甚至可以买到有棒棒糖和冰淇淋味儿的玉米。You can even buy a lollipop and ice cream taste of corn.

宝宝可喜欢长长柄的气球棒棒糖啦!Yue loves this kind of balloon lollipop with long shaft!

“丹特士”可以做成含片,棒棒糖,软糖,口香糖等。BYE-BYE DENTIST can be a lozenges, lollipop or chewing gum.

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而“棒棒糖”这个字是用右手打最长的一个单字。And "lollipop" is the longest word typed with your right hand.

“我们去买水果糖和棒棒糖,那里面没有牛奶”。We’re getting you fruit and a lollipop. There’s no milk in that.

对待玩具和书本就如同金子一样,一个棒棒糖就如同一个新发现一样。Toys and books are treated like gold. A lollipop is a revelation.

一见到主持人Ellen,小宝就送上了大大的拥抱和一个棒棒糖。The moment he met DeGeneres, he gave her a big hug and a lollipop.

通过翻译的帮助,他特地说明了一下棒棒糖是从北京带来的。Through an interpreter, he said he brought the lollipop from Beijing.

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她常常被用薄荷棒棒糖在她的嘴里,让她冷静。She is often seen with a mint lollipop in her mouth, to keep her cool.

第三个男人狡猾的笑答,“我是一个棒棒糖推销员。”And the third man answered, with a sly grin, "I'm a lollipop salesman!"

艾米丽转过身,看见律师和那位”棒棒糖“正紧紧地跟在两人背后。Emily turned and saw the lawyer and the lollipop following close behind them.

当你烟瘾发作时,用棒棒糖或口香糖代替吸烟。When you have a craving for a cigarette, suck on a lollipop or chew some gum.

橙色的路灯灯光就像棒棒糖有褶皱包装纸一样粘附着。The orange street lamps are crumpled toffee-wrappers glued to lollipop sticks.

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咕噜生吃一整条鱼的那个镜头实际上是安迪·瑟金斯在吃一个鱼形棒棒糖。When Gollum eats a whole fish, it's actually Andy Serkis chewing on a fish-shaped lollipop.

炸掉告密者!当你把魔糖放到嘴里时,这种棒棒糖会劈啪的响。Pop goes the weasel! This lollipop crackles and sizzles as you dip it into the "magic dust"!

嗯。你愿意当我的球童吗?我会给你一个又大又好的美味棒棒糖。-是红色的吗?Hmm. How would you like to be my caddy ? I'll give you a big, fat, juicy lollipop. -A red one?