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果子冻凝结不起来。The jelly won't jell.

计划开始定形。The plan began to jell.

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我不觉得接吻场面果冻与我们的观众。I just don't feel kissing scenes jell well with our audiences.

如果你能够看到胸部里面,心脏的上半部将很像摇动中的果冻。If you could look inside your chest the top part of your heart would be shaking like Jell.

人们现在并没有关注我们,我认为这是因为外界并不认为我们能够拧成一股劲,但我们能够做到这点。People have been sleeping on us. I don't think people think we can jell together, that we can do it.

勒布朗詹姆斯,德怀恩韦德还有克里斯波士不会再像上赛季那样需要一段时间的磨合期。LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh won't require an extended jell phase like we saw in 2010-11.

几个星期前,我回到我的老邻居在汉城为10年来第一次,令我吃惊的是,李和果冻依然存在。A few weeks ago, I returned to my old neighborhood in Seoul for the first time in 10 years, and much to my surprise, Lee and the Jell are still there.

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建设团队就像做软件一样,描述什么是不应该做的总是比指出那些无形的使软件开发停滞的东西要容易。Building teams is like building software. It's easier to describe what not to do than it is to identify the intangibles that make good software development teams jell.

天使的发丝和外星果冻就是这种空气的临时结构,当各种分子外部的电子结构暂时被改变之后形成的。The jell of Angel Hair or Star Jelly is such a temporary structure of air, created when the various molecules have their external electron structure temporarily altered.

高美女是一名见习修女,她的双胞胎哥哥高美男成功通过了A.N.JELL乐队的试唱,但是却因要做整容手术被迫去了美国。Go Mi Nyu is a sister-in-training. Her twin brother Go Mi Nam successfully auditions for the musical band A.N.JELL but is forced to leave for the United States to correct a botched plastic surgery.