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双方互有伤亡。Both sides have casualties.

受其影响,海南岛中东部受到暴风雨袭击,至今尚无伤亡报道。No casualties were reported.

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伤亡人数还没有确定。No casualties have been confirmed.

没有有关伤亡的报导。There were no reports on casualties.

他们把这些称为生活质量的牺牲。Call them quality-of-life casualties.

伤亡数以千计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

伤亡数以百计。Casualties numbered in the thousands.

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这些行为多数导致了伤亡事故的发生。Most of these acts caused casualties.

第七中队伤亡惨重。Squad Seven suffered many casualties.

联合国军也同样伤亡惨重。Casualties were heavy for UN units too.

零伤亡是办不到的。It is impossible to achieve zero casualties.

他们也小心地避免平民伤亡。They took care to avoid civilian casualties.

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他们小心地避免了民众伤亡。They took care to avoid civilian casualties.

这场飓风中有许多人伤亡。Many casualties occured during the hurricane.

午报是最早的牺牲品。Afternoon newspapers were the first casualties.

目前已安全转移6.8万人,暂无人员伤亡报告。No casualties have been reported in the city so far.

目前伤亡者的具体数量还不清楚。The number of casualties is not clear at the moment.

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葛底斯堡战役伤亡惨重,双方伤亡人数至少有47,000。Casualties on both sides totaled at least 47,000 men.

俄新社称,尚不清楚是否有人员伤亡。RIA said it was unclear if there were any casualties.

美国在伊拉克的伤亡人数已经降下来了,真得感谢老天保佑。American casualties in Iraq have, blessedly, subsided.