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它也会刺激财政收入。It could also give a fillip to revenues.

我弹指一笑,藏尽前尘所有的缘,只为一次无望的落泪。I fillip smile, every possession, Cheng pulls all the edge, only a hopeless tears.

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没有消费需求的增长补充存货也只是弹指一挥。Replenishing inventory will be a temporary fillip without an increase in consumer demand.

在消费需求未增加的情况下,补充存货只能是临时刺激。Replenishing inventory will be a temporary fillip without an increase in consumer demand.

而且洪水以及龙卷风后重建也可以刺激下半年的经济。And rebuilding after the floods and tornadoes may deliver a fillip in the second half of the year.

尽管对增值税的暂时减少有刺激作用,消费者的消费行为还是锐减。Despite the fillip from the temporary reduction in value-added tax, consumer spending will fall sharply.

白色的沙滩和清澈的海水吸引来了潮水般的游客,额外刺激了离岸金融的发展。White sands and clear waters have since spurred a tourist boom, with an added fillip from offshore finance.

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这些会议旨在促进所谓“”第三条道路“”。“”第三条道路“”在上世纪90年代对中左派政治有重要影响。The events AIM to give a fillip to the so-called "third way" that informed the politics of the centre-left in the 1990s.

但是,如果没有达到标准,他们得到的钱可能会有所减少,这一事实也刺激了他们维持标准的决心。But the fact that the money they receive might go elsewhere if they fail to satisfy surely gives a fillip to their resolve to satisfy.

本月,伊拉克政府首次准许半自治状态的库尔德地区出口石油,这家总部设在瑞士的石油开采公司为此一振。The Swiss-based company got a fillip this month when Baghdad allowed the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan to export oil for the first time.

它不仅有助于我们审视他们的正面,而且还作为一个积极的共鸣给予他们足够的刺激来看到我们更积极的努力。It will not only help us in looking at their positive light, but also act as a positive vibe giving them ample fillip to look at our efforts more positively.

与此相一致的是,在2009年的大选中,由国大党领导执政联盟赢得选举也极大地刺激了印度经济。Coincidently, the India story has also recently been given a fillip from the strong political mandate of the Congress-led coalition in the 2009 general elections.

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因为停赛而错过了不来梅比赛的兰怕德的回归是切尔西的一个好消息,但小将卡鲁将因中间韧带的伤而无法出场。Another fillip for Chelsea is the return of Frank Lampard who missed the Werder game due to suspension, but youngster Salomon Kalou misses out due to medial ligament damage.

该大学学院的地位在2004年政府的帮助是授予的杰出成就的认可和默契弹指,进一步提供了卓越和质量。The conferment of university college status by the Government in 2004 is a tacit recognition of HELP's distinguished achievements and provides a fillip to further excellence and quality.