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职业是货车运输经理。He was employed as a trucking manager.

在游戏中你需要经营一个卡车运货公司。In the game you will run a trucking company.

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你永远无法明白为什么我对开长途货车那么着迷。You never could understand what it was that kept me trucking.

下面是杂志中关于货运公司的一篇意见。The following appeared in am ag azine for the trucking industry.

我们现在的服务是接近了道路运输提供商。Our service now is close to what over-the-road trucking provides.

货车行业改革时间计划定为两年半之内。The trucking reform is being phased in over two-and-a-half years.

因此,这个客车运货游戏对于现实生活有明显的启示As a result the trucking game has clear implications for real life

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对阿富汗货运当局来说,这只不过是一大堆烦心事中的一件而已。To Afghan trucking officials, this is barely even something to worry about.

包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.

海运公司、航空公司、卡车公司和铁路公司均为承运人。Shipping lines, airlines, trucking companies and railroad companies are all carriers.

这款模拟游戏会教授你所有技巧,以及货运行业的秘籍。This management game will teach you all the skills and secrets of the trucking business.

“随着石油价格上涨得如此之高,有的货主正在从货车运输业转移到铁路运输,”他说。"With the price of oil so high, some shippers are moving away from trucking to rail, " he says.

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“我们不再是对头”他说,“我们的十大客户中,有三家是货车运输公司。”“We’re not anymore, ” he said. “Three of our 10 largest rail customers are trucking companies.”

贵重金属通常由上了保险的搬运公司或装甲押运公司运送。Precious metals are typically shipped by insured carrier services or armored trucking companies.

因为需要报关,所以拖柜通常安排在截关前的1-2天左右。It will be better to arrange the trucking 1 or 2 days before the Closing date for Customs Declaration.

每天晚上三个小时,靠昂贵的卡车运水运到镇上临时解决居民用水问题。Three hours of water each evening was temporarily provided to residents by expensively trucking water in.

提到铁路和公路运输曾是“死对头”,尼根说,“那些日子一去不复返了。”Noting that the rails and trucking companies used to be “mortal enemies, ” Lanigan said those days are over.

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很多其他州向卡车业游说势力低头并向那些草菅人命的人让步,真是一个悲剧。It's a tragedy so many other states arecaving in to the trucking lobby and the to-hell-with-human-life crowd.

1944年底,政界领袖与美国卡车运输和农业界领袖达成折衷。Late in 1944, political leaders and leaders in the American trucking and farm industries reached a compromise.

在这个时期,大多数卡车公司属于小型公司,往往只雇有几位办公人员和不到100名司机。In this period, most trucking firms were small, employing only a few office personnel and fewer than 100 drivers.