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不要虚度时光。Don't loiter your time away.

不要在回家的路上閒逛!Don't loiter on the way home!

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不准在闹市区的冰激凌店闲逛。Not to loiter downtown in ice cream stores.

我就整个上午“泡”在卢浮宫里。I would loiter in the palace the whole morning.

小园香径独徘徊。On scented paths in a small garden I loiter alone.

老师不可以在镇上的冰果室里闲晃。Teacher may not loiter downtown in ice cream parlors.

老师告诉学生不要虚度光阴。The teacher told the students not to loiter their time away.

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老师告诉学生不要虚度光阴。The teacher told the students not to loiter their time away.

只一直停留着徘徊着,用欢乐的歌曲来歌唱这些东西。But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.

偶尔懒了游荡而已,哼着歌曲说说梦呓。But stop and loiter all the time, to sing it in extatic songs.

他一边闲游闲逛,一边东瞧西看。He part carefree swim to loiter about, part the west of the east lo see.

他转过一个街角,跑进一条小巷里,有几个人游手好闲地晃荡在一家俱乐部外。He rounds a corner into an alley where several people loiter outside a club.

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可进行快速部署的F-35航程大,留空时间长,武器携带量高。The rapidly deployable F-35 has range, loiter time, and a large weapons load.

因为离罗浮宫很近,我就整个上午在那宫殿里面闲逛。As I was very close to the Louvre , I would loiter in the palace the whole morning.

这个数字是很大的,但你不可能知道有多少真菌只是在你的消化系统中闲逛。Its a big number, but it is impossible to know how many will loiter in your digestive system.

花团锦簇间,我拥着你——我的爱人流连山水乐不知返。The colorful decoration, I hug you-my lover loiter the landscape joy and do not know to return.

在重庆的崎岖山路上,经常能看到带着厚厚竹棍的挑夫们徘徊着等待有人付钱请他们携带物品。ON THE hilly streets of Chongqing, men with thick bamboo poles loiter for customers who will pay them to carry loads.

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在重庆起伏的街道上,“棒棒”在等待雇主,这些人用肩头的扁担帮顾客运送东西赚钱。On the hilly streets of Chongqing, men with thick bamboo poles loiter for customers who will pay them to carry loads.

长期游荡时间允许桑迪斯留在该地区在等待直升机抵达的皮卡。The long loiter time allowed the Sandys to remain in the area while waiting for helicopters to arrive for the pickup.

举例来说,新一代无人战斗机就可运用外张的低阻力机翼,在预定目标上空盘旋数小时。A next-generation combat drone, for example, might loiter for hours above a potential target on elongated, low-drag wings.