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就像是一次飞行。It is a flight.

希腊人四下溃逃。Greeks looked flight.

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你的航班是几点的?When was your flight?

我想订一张飞机票。I'd like t bk a flight.

我是坐929航班到的。I arrived on flight 929.

是直达班机吗?Is it a non-stop flight?

要飞行四小时。It's a four-hour flight.

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这是一次六小时的飞行。It was a six-hour flight.

如果赶不上班机怎么办?What if I miss my flight?

航班号是多少?What's the flight number?

是的,飞往迈阿密的207次航班。Yes, Flight 207 to Miami?

这次航程要十三小时。It's thirteen-hour flight.

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预订一架班机的座位。Reserve seats on a flight.

抱歉,这班飞机已客满。Sorry, the flight is full.

飞行控制中心。The flight control center.

757航班的乘客请现在登机。Flight 757 is now boarding.

抱歉,这班飞机已客满。Sorry' this flight is full.

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这是一班飞行时间长达11小时的飞机。This was an 11-hour flight.

你的航班什么时候着陆?When does your flight land?

第1095号航班马上要着陆了。Flight 1095 is landing soon.