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他出身高贵。He is of noble birth.

犹如高洁的剑侠。As a noble sword master.

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她具有高尚的情操。She has noble sentiments.

他是一个思想高尚的人。He is a man of noble mind.

因此我们看了稀有提起。So we saw the Noble gases.

诉求更祟高的动机。Appeal to the noble motives.

这是多么高尚的精神!What a noble spirit this is!

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以及那么高尚的道德品质。And the noble moral character.

高贵事业非幻想可得。Do noble deeds not dream them.

他高尚的行为值得称颂。His noble deed deserves praise.

她是一个举止端庄的姑娘。She is a girl of noble bearing.

一定要有崇高的思想境界的。There must be noble ideas realm.

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这是一个十分高尚的职业。This is a very noble profession.

是高雅和仁慈吗?Will it be noble and benevolent?

杰出的六百联盟英雄汉。Noble six hundred alliance Warrior.

人人称颂他的崇高品德。Everyone extols his noble qualities.

这只小牛犊长着黑色的皮毛,显得高贵庄严。This calf was of a noble dark color.

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其崇高幻像中形成她的手。Her Noble Phantasm formed in her hand.

高尚的生活,常在壮烈的牺牲中。Noble life, often of heroic sacrifice.

该位贵族以自己的血统为傲。The noble took pride in his genealogy.