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我们看到悬崖上有个鹰巢。We saw a hawk's aerie on the cliff.

虽然艾黎失去了她的翅膀,她找到了更重要的东西-的爱。And though she lost her wings , Aerie found something even more valuable.

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苏格兰高耸的悬崖边上有金雕的窝巢。High up on the sides of a Scottish cliff, golden eagles nest in an aerie.

对超薄镜加工工艺实验研究中所获得的一系列经验进行了总结。An aerie of experience form experiments of ultra thin mirror fabrication is summarized.

那些把艾黎团里位受惊吓女孩,她蜕感非常惊讶。Aerie as the frightened little girl in the circus would be amazed at her transformation.

本实用新型属于一种人工设置的鹰座、鹰巢。The utility model belongs to an eagle seat and an eagle aerie that are artificially arranged.

当被问起她的过去时,艾黎沉默了好一阵子,显然是为过去的回忆感到伤感。When asked about her past , AERIE becomes silent for a time , obviously saddened by the memory.

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有一年,亚瑟和夫人没有再回到烟囱岩来,这里的巢穴一直还空着。One year Arthur and Lady did not return to Chimney Rock, and the aerie has remained uninhabited.

每当任一鸟从场上置入你的坟墓场时,在捕灵手巢窝上放置一个飞羽指示物。Whenever a Bird is put into your graveyard from play, put a feather counter on Soulcatchers' Aerie.

如果“避风港”上的乘客们想要看表演,只要出示金色的钥匙卡就可以得到最好的位子。If Haven passengers venture out of their aerie to see a show, a flash of their gold key card gets them the best seats in the house.

一个人在高山之巅的鹰巢里,抓到了一只幼鹰,他把幼鹰带回家,养在鸡笼里。Long time ago, a person caught a young eagle from an aerie which on the peak of hill and fed it together with chickens in the coop at home.