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这一思想已像格言一样广为流传。The idea has acquired a proverbial currency.

众所周知梦境在清晨会渐渐褪去的。That a dream fades away in the morning is proverbial.

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你感觉上就像要被那“你死我活的竞争”碾碎。You feel like the proverbial “rat race” is grinding you down.

南泰恩河区郡议会就像谚语中的驴子一样,固执不会让步。South Tyneside Council, like the proverbial donkey, won't budge.

钞票如同水龙头流水一样从钱包流出去吗?Does cash flow out of your wallet like water from a proverbial faucet?

如果你用射不完的火箭炮来杀蟑螂,谁会管你?If you use the proverbial bazooka to kill cockroaches, then who cares?

对经济事务的官僚化管理,其效率低下早已有目共睹。The inefficiency of the bureaucratic conduct of affairs is proverbial.

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所有人也说她心地良善,是众所周知的好妇人。Everyone says she has a heart of gold. She is the proverbial good woman.

此次奥巴马白宫团队在接待胡主席时可谓礼数周到。The Obama White House is rolling out the proverbial red carpet for Mr. Hu.

我今年45岁了,现在找女人就跟瓮中捉鳖一样。I'm 45 and getting women now is like shooting fish in the proverbial barrel.

事实上,甚至可以把字体大小扔到垃圾堆中,转而使用百分比。In fact, you even relegate font sizes to the proverbial dust heap, and use percentages.

土耳其总理成了阿拉伯街头众所周知最受欢迎的领导人。The Turkish prime minister became the most popular leader in the proverbial Arab street.

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中国在非洲的推进让各专家们想起了那些耳熟能详的关于两象相争的故事。China's march into Africa has reminded pundits of those two proverbial elephants fighting.

所以我们经常从封面评判一本重要的书或者我们从外表去判断一个人So often we judge the proverbial book by its cover and we judge people by their appearance.

这块月亮上的岩石给了我对于历史和众所周知的“眼光长远”完全不同的视角。That moon rock gave me a whole different perspective on history and the proverbial long run.

所有在这个部门工作的人,都像俗语所说的“被上了套”,她也不例外。She, like all of the men and women in her department, had been through the proverbial ringer.

在没有性生活的一段时期之后,你和你的伴侣可以恢复到以前。After a period of sexual inactivity, you and your partner can getback on the proverbial horse.

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不要在众所周知的水冷却器周围与其他雇员谈论你的兼职。Don't talk about your part-time business to other employees around the proverbial water-cooler.

在分析过三百小时蚂蚁活动的录像之后,多恩豪斯博士发现,这些出名勤劳的蚂蚁们行为并不比伊索笔下的草蜢更有价值。She discovered behavior more worthy of Aesop’s grasshopper than the proverbial industrious ants.

例如,像我知道的,根据数据统计的人之“大限”一般在75岁左右。I know, for example, that statistically I will kick the proverbial bucket at around 75 years old.