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总之,这是关于“失态效应“的实验。All right. So blundering.

都是那笨蛋侦探的罪过!And by the blundering of the detective!

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我们的爱在浮动不安的世界里垂垂找到了最初的安稳。Our love in the blundering world gradually find the initial stability.

也许有一天你会理解并且原谅我这个笨拙的爱慕者。Perhaps one day you will understand and forgive your blundering admirer.

我们浮躁的生活,需要你们身上的这些美德。We blundering grownups nees in our lives the virtues thar you have in yours.

没有经验就要摔跟头,今后也难以避免。Without experience, we couldn't help blundering and shall no doubt blunder again.

女主持的嗓音甜得发腻,倒与这个浮躁喧嚣的夜晚十分搭调。The hostess voice sweet get death, but with the blundering noisy night very take tone.

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但是现在已经很少有能让人感动的书了,整个社会都变得很浮躁,书也是。But there is frequent to find a moving book. The whole society become blundering. So do books.

只是由于饿猴子太想得到那串香蕉了,“太想得到”也是一种浮躁。Just because of hungry monkeys too want the bunch of bananas, "too want" is a kind of blundering.

而还有百分之九十九也要说自己堕落,那只是因为他们的浮躁而已。And still ninety-nine percent will also say his degraded, it is only because they blundering just.

现实生活中,纯净的文字和柔和的音乐,就象一股清泉总能洗涤浮躁的心灵。In real life, the pure text and soft music, like a cold spring can always washing blundering heart.

这种胡涂使者哪有不给自己带来灾难的。The blundering missioner doing communication like above will certainly bring misfortune to himself as well.

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一些低等动物,运动是无向和随机,如草履虫浮躁其环境。For some lower animals, movement is undirected and random, such as a Paramecium blundering about its environment.

自己在城市里浮躁的心也被这里的雨给沁透,憋闷便成了静谧,此刻的我正享受着。My own heart blundering in city is rinsed by the rain here. The suffocation is away and only the? tranquility left for enjoying.

实际上,在今年2月开始用该卫星之前,对于能否找到合适的降落点,我们心里可能都没有底。In fact, until February this year we would just have been blundering around in the hope of finding something suitable for the landing.

托尼·布莱尔比乔治·布什要睿智一些,布莱尔做过一些错误的决定,而布什根本就不知道自己在做什么,他只是随便完成他在任时要做的事。Tony Blair is smarter than George Bush but makes some wrong decisions. But Bush has no idea what he's doing, he's just blundering through.

那里的农民几乎与现代科学和二十世纪文化完全隔绝,十分孤陋寡闻。Almost completely outside the influences of modern science and twentieth-century culture, the peasant was a brutal, blundering backwoodsman.

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徒劳无功的打转半天后愤怒的格里姆格只好令部队停止前进。All landmarks were lost in the swirling maze of whiteness and after blundering around in a confused rage Grimgor halted the army to sit it out.

大多数论坛充肆着对于器材的争论比拼,很少有对于摄影艺术本身的讨论,一些思想层面的沟通,浮躁而不知所谓。Most BBS for equipment with filling the debate competition, there are few for photography art itself, some thought, blundering and communicate.

不仅如此,他还认为,金融危机有助于祛除行业浮躁氛围,促进整个产业更加良性地发展。Not only such, he still thinks, financial crisis conduces to dispel industry blundering atmosphere, promote whole industry to develop more benignly.