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月出是缓缓的,而又充满惊喜的。Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties.

或者,倘若我们攀登重岩叠嶂的峰巅。Or again if we but climb the serried mountain peaks.

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要成为精算师需要通过各种严格的系列考试。Becoming an Actuary requires passing a rigorous serried of exams.

而城墙外则是高楼大厦林立的新城。Outside the city walls is the new city with serried tall buildings.

在金异常密集区中,发现大型、超大型金矿床。Discovering super large gold deposits at serried section of the gold mine.

房地产行业作为一个资金密集型行业,其发展离不开资金的支持。Real estate is a capital serried industry which can not be developed without fund.

穗状花序,两性花密集着生于粗大的花轴上。Its anthotaxy is spica, and amphimixis flowers is serried inserted on the thick rachis.

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他还不能够同东部大王们华尔街林立的参天红杉并列。He could not rank as yet with the magnates of the eastthe serried sequoias of wall street.

我们循着通向郊外的小道,穿过几块农田便来到一片密林处。The fields were mostly patches laid on the serried landscape, between crevices and small streams.

五百六十名一英尺高的兵马俑整齐的排列在一起,每个俑都拥有自己独特的表情。The 560 warriors, standing a foot high in serried ranks, have each had their facial expressions individually carved.

在不同的石柱间走动,游客享受着不停改变的景观,会觉得自己好像生在上帝住的天堂一样。Walking through the serried stone pillars,tourists feast their eyes on changing spots, feeling they are in aparadise where the Gods live.

这奇特的景观持续了一个小时。月出是缓慢而充满神奇的。观看月出,我们必须回到一种古老的、耐心的时间观念中去。The drama took an hour. Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time.

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从排队的这一片黑鸦鸦的人群看来,他们大部分都来自农村,脸上和身上或多或少都留有体力劳动的痕迹。Obviously most of the serried people were from the countryside, as there were more or less marks of physical labor on their faces and bodies.

在游船突突地向海沧大桥挺进的一路上,我们还交会过驳船、挖泥船,以及小渔船。The loading cranes stretch away in serried ranks, and we passed barges, dredgers, and even the odd fishing boat as we chugged up towards Haicang.

在谢苗诺夫斯科耶和土岗后面,站着俄军的密集队形,他们的大炮不断地轰击。The Russians stood in serried ranks behind Semyonovskoye and the redoubt, and their guns kept up an incessant roar and smoke all along their lines.

介绍了以物理实验中创设的错误为题材,引导学生探究新实验方法、创造新实验器材的独特经验。This message issues a serried of mistakes appearing in the physical experiment thus leading the students to explore new methods and create new instruments.

首先利用经典控制理论中的工程设计方法,在控制系统的前向通道中串联一个PD控制器,并合理的设计了控制器的参数。With the theory of engineering design method, a PD-Controller is serried in the first-channel of the control system, and the optimal parameters are obtained.

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根据光的电磁波性质,结合电子技术基础,通过测量RLC串联电路的谐振频率间接测量了光速。Based on the property of electromagnetic waves and the electric technology, the light velocity is obtained by measuring the resonance frequency of a serried RLC circuit.

早晨,当你眼中布满血丝地起床凝视那灰蒙蒙的拂晓时,你会看到目之所及之处皆有密密麻麻的超大型建筑正在兴建。When you stagger red-eyed out of bed to peer into the murky dawn, you will see rank upon serried rank of raw "superblock" developments, a mile apart, marching into the distance.

介绍了渐密型、弧形变化植针排列的盖板针布的梳理特点及效果,指出该品种是盖板针布的新型品种,也是其发展趋势。Introduction is given to the carding performance and effect of gradual serried tops with new arc design. Conclusion is made that the product will be the leading design of future.