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她对他前妻的孩子不管饱。She underfed his former wife's children.

在地震受灾区,人们过着半饥半饱的生活。At the earthquake-striken area, people are underfed.

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在旧社会他们都缺吃少穿。In the old days they were underfed and lacking in clothes.

帕蒂看上去一团糟,脸色灰扑扑的,显然没睡好,胃口也好不到哪里去。Patty was looking a mess, gray-faced, poorly slept, underfed.

下撒哈拉非洲和埃塞俄比亚成为长期持续饥荒地区。Sub-Saharan Africa and Ethiopia remain the most chronically underfed regions.

小麦在没有解决温饱的文明体系中是种奢侈品,但在现代繁荣的社会中却远称不上奢侈。Wheat is a luxury in underfed civilizations, but not in a prosperous society.

长期以来,在世界不健康、未受过教育和饥饿人口中,妇女占绝大多数。Women have long comprised the majority of the world’s unhealthy, unschooled, and underfed.

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还有人窃取食物和制服,导致他的士兵们在冬天里吃不饱,穿不暖。Still another stole food and uniforms, leaving his soldiers underfed and ill equipped for the winter.

因为吃了如此丰富的食物,这只曾经半饥半饱的狗长得又大又壮,外表也变漂亮了。By eating such rich food, the once underfed dog gradually got bigger and stronger, and became very handsome looking.

他说,如果孕妇没有足够的食品,婴儿在出生之前就受到严重营养不良的影响。He says the problems of serious malnourishment affect children before they are even born, if their mothers are underfed.

另一方面,没有什么可以阻止“多时间片”方法中处理不足的线程去动态提高它自己的优先级。On the other hand, there is nothing that prevents an underfed thread in the "multiple-time-slices" approach from boosting its own priority dynamically.

至于金正日大腹便便,不再适用了,去年夏天中风之后,这位敬爱的领袖看起来虚弱不堪,骨瘦如柴,一如他食不果腹的子民们。As for pot- bellied , the description no longer holds, since, after a presumed stroke last summer, the Dear Leader looks frail, and as gaunt as his underfed subjects.

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但总的来说,与中餐相比,日本料理的口味要清淡的多,数量也少,习惯了大碗喝酒大块吃肉的人恐怕会有吃不饱的感觉。But overall, compared with Chinese, Japanese food taste to light many, quantity is little also, accustomed to bowl of drinking large meat might well have underfed feeling.

整个行业呈现出“规模经济不出效益”、“环保科技不出效益”、“先进产能吃不饱”等不正常状态。Abnormal phenomena such as "scale economy does not bring about efficiency", "environment-friendly technology also does not bring about efficiency", and advanced productivity is underfed.