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共同去见麦克白。There to meet with Macbeth.

这剧团在上演“马克白”。The group is doing "Macbeth".

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女巫甲班柯和麦克白,万福!So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo!

他以前叫我麦克白夫人。He used to call me his Lady Macbeth.

奥利弗今晚演出<麦克佩斯>。Oliver is acting " Macbeth" tonight.

这是麦克白夫人汉帝女士湿巾试验的时间。Time for the Lady Macbeth Handi Wipes.

马克白是苏格兰的名战将。Macbeth is a renowned Scottish warrior.

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麦克白斯用刀子杀死了国王。Macbeth murdered the king with a knife.

麦克白在荒野中得到一个预言。Macbeth receives a prophecy on the heath.

我在剧中的角色是敌人,这是我很难入戏。I am playing the part of Macbeth is enemy.

麦克白夫人生来一副铁石心肠。Ex. Mrs. Macbeth has a heart as hard as flint.

结束时麦克白的对话固定。Fixed the Macbeth message at the ending cinematic.

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有一个显赫的爵士,或称贵族,名叫麦克白。There lived a great thane, or lord, called macbeth.

在妻子的怂恿下,马克白计划谋杀他的国王。Egged on by his wife, Macbeth planned to murder his king.

麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath.

甚至热情的阿加特,都承认你擅长于扮演麦克白。Even the flaming Agate, was agreed that you excelled as Macbeth.

麦克白对麦克德夫——伐夫地区的大乡绅一直心存妒意。Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife.

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她是查太莱夫人的麦克白夫人阴燃包。She is Lady Chatterley and Lady Macbeth in one smoldering package.

第三章描述了麦克白夫人和鲍西娅的“打破”沉默。Chapter Three illustrates Lady Macbeth and Portia' s si Mice-breaking.

这时,马克白把两个仆人杀死,因此引起麦克道夫的疑心。Macbeth kills the two servants, but Macduff becomes suspicious of him.