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爱丽斯被指责违反这条不成文法。The unwritten laws of good sportsmanship.

关于穿什么有种不成文法。There's a kind of unwritten law about what to wear.

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这个家伙打破了男人们应该遵守的不成文规则。This bloke was breaking the unwritten rules for men.

爱丽斯被指责违反这条不成文法。Alice is accused of sinning against this unwritten law.

我认为那是一个不成文的规定……这已经被接受了……如果你仅仅是为了一件事情嗑药是可以的。I consider it kind of an unwritten rule. It's accepted.

在黑人的史册中,有很多篇章尚未书写。In the volumes of black history, much remains unwritten.

就像大部分语言一样,珂珞语没有书写文字,依靠口耳相传。Like most languages, Koro is unwritten and transmitted orally.

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幸运的是,我找到了一位导师,帮助我理解了那些不成文的游戏规则。Luckily, I had a mentor who helped me figure out the unwritten rules.

潜意识是未曾付诸文本的人类洪荒时代史。The unccious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded.

潜意识是未曾付诸文字的人类洪荒时代史。The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded.

这句话是商业经营的不成文规则,就是简单的百分比问题。It is one of the unwritten laws of business, a matter of simple percentages.

官方否认了征地,谴责那种传统不成文的赌地权法律。The authorities deny seizing land and blame ancient, unwritten ownership laws.

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在制定法中,不成文法是多数,成文法则较少。In the enacted laws, unwritten laws are the majority, and written laws minority.

在这种不成文法底下,人们就不愿意去动脑筋了。Under those unwritten laws, people were naturally reluctant to use their brains.

但是那种企业与开源软件作者之间那种默认的契约关系已经不复存在了。However, the unwritten contract between firms and open source developers is now gone.

民法典是建构和生成的统一,它需要大量的单行法、习惯法和判例的支撑。The civil code demands great numbers of special regulations, unwritten laws and cases.

除了公司手册中的要点之外,还有哪些潜规则?In addition to what's highlighted in the company handbook, what are the unwritten rules?

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黄色的人非常愿意作追求者,并喜欢为两人的关系定一些不成文的规矩。They enjoy the role of pursuer and like to set the unwritten rules for the relationship.

我渴求永恒,那里我将看见我未写就的诗,还有我为作完的画。I long for eternity because there I shall meet my unwritten poems and my unpainted pictures.

这儿有一条不成文法,即每人自己去取咖啡,哪怕是经理也是如此。It ' s an unwritten law around here that everyone fetches his own coffee , even the managers.