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这种决策上的迟缓可以追溯到多年前。The torpor dates back years.

一种冰凉的寒风使克莱尔从麻木状况中恢复过来。The shock of the icy air ended Claire's torpor.

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夏眠在夏天处于睡眠状态。A state of dormancy or torpor during the summer.

他陷入麻木状态,任何事都不能令他振奋。He had slumped into a state of torpor from which nothing could rouse him.

气血瘀滞则面色晦黯,或有黑斑、雀斑等,表情呆滞。Blood stasis, dark dark complexion, delay or shading, fleck, such as torpor.

佛教和鞑靼族的入侵中国,未能像基督教和蛮族统治在西方那样,打破这种麻木状态。Neither Buddhism nor Tartar invasion could break this torpor as did Christianity and barbarian rule in the West.

如果天气寒冷潮湿,食物又短缺,榛睡鼠会用“休眠”的方式节省能量——它们将身体蜷成一团,沉沉入睡。If the weather is cold and wet, and food scarce, they save energy by going into torpor – they curl up into a ball and go to sleep.

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联合国的反应迟钝和僵持不下为所有国际谈判投下阴影——例如核不扩散问题。And torpor and deadlock at the UN will cast a shadow over all other international negotiations—for example over nuclear non-proliferation.

在破落的城郊汽车站一个好事儿的小胖子在等车之余注意到了在他身旁等车的一个表情呆滞带着墨镜貌似盲人的高个子。A naughty fatty boy find a tall torpor with dark glasses man whose semblance look like a blind in a scruffy bus stop when he waiting for the bus.

这种持续的痛苦一直延续到第二天早上,我一点也不清楚是什么原因。接着玛格丽特迷迷糊糊睡着了。她已有两个晚上没有好好睡觉了。I could make nothing of these fits of distress which continues until morning. Then Marguerite lapsed into a sort of torpor. She had not slept now for two nights.

其他居住在洞穴里的蝙蝠若受到干扰也会遭难,尤其是在冬季,如果把它们从冬眠中惊醒,会使它们失去关键的脂肪储备,置之于死地。Others who live in caves can suffer if they are disturbed, particularly in the winter when arousal from torpor can cause them to lose critical fat reserves and die.

日本还是那个从二战的废墟中走出,并在过去20年里被认为处于经济停滞和社会麻木中的那个国家吗?Will it be the resilient nation that rose from the ashes of World War II or the country that has become better known over the past two decades for its economic and social torpor?