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描述如何在元件中实作多执行绪。Discusses how to implement multithreading in your components.

小心那些无法用于多线程的语言元素。Watch out for the language elements that will not work with multithreading.

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它们还是按多线程设计的,用于处理最坏的情况。They are also designed to handle a worst-case situation in terms of multithreading.

而且只要站点支持,这些协议均支持多线程断点续传。But as long as the site support, these agreements are breakpoint Continuingly support multithreading.

其次,尽管目前很多游戏都是单线程的,其应用程序仍可以受益于多线程。Second, though most games are single-threaded today, gaming applications also can benefit from multithreading.

它们几近是在硬件上运行,可利用诸如GPU加速和多线程这样的性能助推器。They run close to the metal and can take advantage of performance boosters like GPU acceleration and multithreading.

这些计划可以被看作是一种类型的块多线程之间的用户程序线程和中断线程。Such schemes can be considered a type of block multithreading among the user program thread and the interrupt threads.

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多线程允许一个设计良好的程序中的每个任务可以彼此独立运行,并且几乎是同时运行。Multithreading allows each task of a well-designed program to operate as independent of others—nearly at the same time.

多线程示例是展示如何使用命令编译、链接和执行程序的最佳方法之一。A multithreading example is one of the best ways to show you how to use commands to compile, link, and execute a program.

组件不需要添加独立逻辑来管理多线程,因为这很耗时、复杂且易于出错。The component does not need to add separate logic to manage multithreading which is time consuming, complex and prone to error.

然后,采用多线程数据采集技术,形成了多总线多线程并行采集系统,保证数据的实时高效,准确无误。Secondly, in order to ensure efficient accurate real-time data, the multibus and multithreading sampling system is devised in details.

通过绕过这些限制,您就可以主动获得在多线程上运行程序的好处。By getting around these limitations, you can take proactive steps to get the programs to reap the benefits of running in multithreading.

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由于充分利用了新虚拟机中多线程的优势,该Web容器可以同时分发多个HTTP和HTTPS请求。By taking advantage of multithreading in the new VM the web container is able to dispatch multiple HTTP and HTTPS requests concurrently.

介绍了多线程技术在自动化航材库三自由度拾取机器人控制系统中的应用。Application of multithreading technology in the control system of a three freedoms picking robot of auto aerial stuff store is introduced.

该平台使用多线程技术和双缓冲技术,能够流畅地回放机器人足球仿真比赛。The application of multithreading and double buffering technologies has achieved smooth and vivid replay of simulated robot soccer competition.

其次,对多串口卡、多线程等关键技术在软件开发中的应用作了详细阐述和研究。The applications of some key techniques in software developing, . such as multi-serial port and multithreading are also expatiated and investigated.

文中结合测控软件设计实例,详细介绍了在CVI平台下多线程编程技术的应用方法。This article introduces the application of multithreading programming methods under the CVI platform in detail, with examples of test and control software.

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解析器使用占用更少内存的符号表数据结构和跨两个或更多内核的多线程处理来实现这些性能。The parser achieves these gains by using symbol table data structures that occupy less memory and by multithreading the processing across two or more cores.

提出一种基于网络和多线程技术的热处理实时控制方式,可完成现场设备的网络控制和现场数据的实时采集。A real-time control mode based on networks and multithreading technology is presented in the paper. It can control field device by networks and can real-time sample field data.

提出了基于移动对象数据均匀划分的多线程连续多范围查询处理算法,该算法以为查询建立的格网索引为基础。By using the grid index built for multiple queries, a multithreading continuous multiple range query algorithm is proposed based on uniform partition of the moving objects in memory.