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这种胎儿脑细胞受损的现象,会导致胎儿全身发育不良。Fetal brain cell damage that phenomenon, would lead to fetal body dysplasia.

病理检查结果与纤维性结构不良的诊断符合。Microscopic examination was consistent with the diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia.

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目的研究颅骨骨纤维异样增殖症的MRI表现。Objective To study MRI findings of fibrous dysplasia involvement of cranial bones.

蝶骨翼发育不良是NF-1诊断的六个临床规范之一。Sphenoid wing dysplasia is one of six clinical criteria for the diagnosis of NF-1.

慢性胃炎伴肠化,无异型增生或恶性肿瘤。Chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia, negative for dysplasia or malignancy.

手术可改变髋臼前倾角,部分会至异常范围。The operation to correct hip dysplasia produced an abnormality in acetabular anteversion.

研究发现再次诊断高度异型增生比率明显降低。Study diagnostic reassessments revealed significantly lower rates of high-grade dysplasia.

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引起蝶骨发育不良最可能的原因是蝶骨骨化不全。The most likely cause of sphenoid dysplasia is defective ossification of the sphenoid bone.

利用每一检测技术检出病检中确诊为肿瘤形成的患者例数评估其诊断敏感性。These reealed one additional patient with dysplasia that was not detected by either technique.

利用每一检测技术检出病检中确诊为肿瘤形成的患者例数评估其诊断敏感性。These revealed one additional patient with dysplasia that was not detected by either technique.

在正常鳞状上皮、鳞状化生上皮及轻度非典型增生未见到CEA。CEA was not demonstrated in normal squamous epithelium, squamous metaplasia nor in mild dysplasia.

而在食管癌及食管上皮不典型增生中可见NGAL强阳性着色分布于整个细胞浆。While in ESCC and dysplasia of esophagus, a whole-cytoplasmic expression of NGAL could be observed.

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目的找出骨纤维结构不良的X线表现特点。Objective To analyze the characteristic appearances on X -ray plain film of bone -fibrous dysplasia.

目的探讨上颌骨骨纤维异常增殖症的发生原因、治疗方法及预后效果。Objective To discuss the causes, therapeutic approaches and prognosis of maxillary fibrous dysplasia.

从宫颈不典型增生到癌是一个逐渐发展的自然病程,因此不能忽略不典型增生的病变。There is a natural history of progression of dysplasia to carcinoma, so don't leave dysplasias alone.

在12个月的时候,主要的结果包括发育异常和肠化生的彻底根治。Primary outcomes at 12 months included the complete eradication of dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia.

受试者股骨滑车发育不良和内侧脱位髌骨简要讨论。The subjects of femoral trochlear dysplasia and medial subluxation of the patella are briefly discussed.

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骨纤维异常增殖可以药物治疗,也可以手术植骨或者固定。Fibrous dysplasia may be treated medically with bisphosphanates or surgically with bone graft or fixation.

在NF-1病人中,蝶骨翼发育不良最初被认为是先天性的和非进行性的。In patients with NF-1, sphenoid wing dysplasia was initially thought to be congenital and non-progressive.

目的探讨大肠腺瘤发生异型增生及癌变的潜在危险因素。Objective To study the potential factors of heterotypic dysplasia and cancerization of colorectal adenoma.