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乡下的尼泊尔人的生活场景。Typical scenes of rural Nepalese life.

爱尼人是好客的。Love is the hospitality of the Nepalese people.

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虽然如此,尼泊尔有一个团体正准备参加世青节。A group of Nepalese is, however, preparing to attend WYD.

巴士大概9到12小时,票价120尼泊尔卢比。Buses take 9 to 12 hours, cost about 120 Nepalese Rupees.

去年,一名尼泊尔人在被眼镜蛇咬后反把这条蛇咬死。Lastyear, a Nepalese man bit a cobra after it bit him first.

老师和孩子们住在想象不到的偏远地方。The OSP teaches Nepalese children living in inaccessible places.

2月22日,在加德满都,一个尼泊尔小孩站在自行车的货筐中。A Nepalese child rides in the basket of a bicycle in Kathmandu on Feb. 22.

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在尼泊尔人看来,有如此强邻环侍,有些外国干涉是无法避免的。Nepalese say some foreign meddling is inevitable with such huge neighbors.

在绵延湍流中,享受尼泊尔宁静、与世隔绝的乡间景观。In between stretches of white water, enjoy the quite, isolated Nepalese countryside.

很多尼泊尔人是印度裔,而且印度教在两国都是主要宗教。Many Nepalese are ethnic Indians, and both countries have a Hindu religious majority.

席间,客人对爱尼人家的菜肴,声声赞叹不已。During the banquet, the guests of the Nepalese people love the cuisine, stunning sound.

最后的英雄就是继承了父母特工天份的两个小鬼卡门和朱尼。Finally, the hero is inherited both parents' talent agents kid Carmen and Zhu Nepalese.

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世界上最高的山,埃佛勒斯峰,尼泊尔人称做萨嘎玛莎。The highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is known to the Nepalese as Sagarmatha.

海地人在海地角市进行抗议,指责尼泊尔人给海地带来霍乱。Haitians protest in the city of Cap-Haitien, accusing Nepalese of bringing cholera to Haiti.

本文试分析了尼泊尔拉纳家族的鸦片走私系统和销售情况等。Here I try to analysis the opium smuggling system and sales of opium of the Nepalese Rana family.

报告说,绝大多数人在被前尼泊尔皇家军队抓捕之后下落不明。It says most of these people disappeared following their arrest by the former Royal Nepalese Army.

自尼泊尔拉纳家族创始人、首相忠格·巴哈杜尔始,拉纳家族通过陆路向中国走私鸦片。Founder of the Nepalese Rana family, Prime Minister Jang Bahadur export the opium to China by road.

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在尼泊尔首都加德满都东南部的Sunsari区,尼泊尔洪水灾民在涉水撤离到安全地带。Nepalese flood victims waded to safety in Sunsari District, southeast of Katmandu, Nepal's capital.

擦热在尼泊尔,周围覆盖的全是岩石,这给我们宿营带来了不小困难。Chhahare, the Nepalese land, is full of rocky stones. This added difficulty for us to pitch our tents.

1953年5月29日,希拉�和尼泊尔向导丹增·诺盖登上了珠峰,这是人类首次踏上世界之顶。Hillary and Nepalese Sherpa Tensing Norgay were the first to reach the summit of Everest on May 29, 1953.