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把货物堆在冷冻舱内。Stow cargo in reefer hold.

船上有多少个冷藏箱电源插头?How many reefer plugs has vessel?

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这些冷藏集装箱是到鹿特丹的吗?Are these reefer containers for Rotterdam?

这里什么地方有一袋上面有你名字的大麻吗?Isn't there a bag of reefer someplace with your name on it?

冷藏箱应当堆码在有电源插座的部位。The reefer containers should be stacked where there are power sockets.

备注国内任何港口到敖德萨冷柜,绝对的国内最低价。Reefer container from any port in china to odessa , we can offer the lowest price.

海洋的冷藏集装箱被称为流动的冰箱在冷链。The marine reefer container is known as the floating refrigerator in the cold chain.

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请你通知当班人员将所有冷藏集装箱的插座拔掉。Please inform Duty officer to take off the electric sockets for all reefer containers.

因舱容可能不够,你们须尽可能把冷藏货装得紧一些。As the space may not be enough, you have to stow the reefer cargo as close as possible.

卸冷冻集装箱前不要忘记切断电源。Don't forget to cut off the electricity supply before discharging the reefer container.

在卸冷冻集之装箱之前,不要忘了切断电源。Don't forget to cut off the electricity supply before discharging the reefer containers.

赫伯罗特也是世界第二大冷冻集装箱运输服务提供者。Hapag-Lloyd is also the 2nd largest provider of containerized reefer capacity in the world.

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当然,冷冻箱,是规模较小的,但这是一个小的代价,所有额外肘室。Naturally, the reefer is smaller, but that is a small price to pay for all the extra elbow room.

日间运输,恒大提供覆盖中、日之间主要港口的冷藏集装箱周班运输服务。China-Japan, KODAI provides weekly reefer container liner service to cover main ports of China and Japan.

这伙人把17吨半的大麻香烟拖到了切萨皮克湾的一个小渔港,厄本那。The team hauled 17 and a half tons of reefer into Urbanna, Va., a tiny oyster port on the Chesapeake Bay.

热装货,是那些冷藏或冷冻货物但未经预冷到设定温度就被装入冷冻箱的。Hot cargo, means those chilled or frozen cargo stuffed into reefer without being pre-cooled to its set temperature.

然而到了1930年代,大麻就已经声名扫地,并有一批人大力活动游说,试图将吸食大麻的「疯狂行为」妖魔化。By the 1930s it had fallen into disrepute, and an intense lobbying campaign demonized "reefer madness. " In 1937 the U. S.

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我们装运了一些特殊的集装箱,它们是30只冷冻集装箱,24只框架集装箱里装有大件。We have carried some special containers, that is, 30 reefer containers and 24 flat rack containers with heavy lifts in them.

由于冷藏疯狂天,科学家们试图了解和精神病之间的连接复杂的大麻。Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis.

洋马柴油发动机主要应用于工程机械、农用机械、发电机组及运输冷冻机组上。Yanmar diesel engine is widely applied in construction machinery, agricultural machinery, generator sets, reefer truck and so on.