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但是这项法规并无追溯效力。This is not retroactive.

此法不溯及既往。This law is not retroactive.

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此外,当形成最终决定,世贸组织不具有追溯力。Plus, when a final decision arrives, it is not retroactive.

但是这项法律并没有完全赋予她们应有的多项军人权益。But the law did not make many of the military benefits retroactive.

我却记得我在研讨会上争论了有追溯效力的合法禁令问题。I do remember that we argued the prohibition of retroactive justice in the seminar.

未补记前不得背书转让和提示付款。No endorsement or presentment for payment shall be allowed before such retroactive entry.

当政府重新开门时,国会可能给这些工作人员补发工资。Congress will likely provide retroactive pay to these workers when the government restarts.

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此前他曾反对这项议案,反对给予电信公司有回溯力的豁免。Previously opposed the bill and opposed giving retroactive immunity to telecommunications firms.

世贸组织的成员国应当使审理委员会的决议具有追溯力,从而进一步改善该组织。And WTO members should further improve the organization by making tribunal decisions retroactive.

还有"追溯涨价",银行对你的新旧帐户结余征收更高利率。And "retroactive price hikes," where banks impose higher rates on old balances as well as new ones.

如果他们所做的,在过去是合法和正确的,为什么要给予他们追溯免疫力?If what they did in the past was legal and proper, why is it necessary to grant them retroactive immunity?

他们要求未来电影在电视播放时,要得到剩余工资,并且要求拿回1948年到1959年电影在电视屏幕上放映时所应得的剩余工资。They demanded residual payments for future telecasts and retroactive residuals for films shown on TV between 1948 and 1959.

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并解释说明了诸如内因性话题、情境性话题、回复性话题等几个重要概念。Meanwhile, it explains the important concept such as internal cause topic, situational topic and retroactive topic and so on.

在1996年美国政府关门期间,尽管给被迫休假的员工补发了工资,但是很多人预测这一次情况并非如此。Although furloughed workers got retroactive pay during the last shut down, but many predict that won't be the case this time around.

金花补发了工资,并多奖励了300块,金花立即去奶奶家孝敬送钱,却意外发现婶子病重。Jinhua retroactive wages, and reward 300, Jinhua immediately went to grandma's father to send money, but found my aunt was seriously ill.

我也知道人们多么希望将他们过去宅在游戏上的时光也算入成就。我们会尽力做到这样的回溯。I know how badly people want their past accomplishments recognized. We'll do our best to make whatever categories retroactive that we can.

首次执行日之前可行权的股份支付,不应追溯调整。?。Any retroactive modulation may be not made to any share-based payment made for any exercisable right before the date of initial implementation.

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几个月之后,国会议员投票通过一项法案,该法案规定给国会议员和政府机构工作人员涨工资,这项涨工资法案具有追溯力,也就是说,从两年前开始涨。A few months later, members of Congress voted a pay raise for themselves and the executive branch of government. The pay raise would be retroactive.

当杰里17岁时她再婚了,但这并没有为他带来一个能倒回去重新对他在12、13和14岁转折时刻给予影响的爸爸。She had married again when he was seventeen but this had not given him a retroactive father for the twelve-thirteen-fourteen-year-old times of crisis.

也就是说丁只能眼睁睁地看着合同被解除,最多通过起诉丙来一步步追溯乙的赔偿责任,但是已无法在此继续经营下去了。In D can only watch helplessly as the contract was lifted up by the prosecution C to the B step by step retroactive liability, but has been unable to continue to operate here.