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食物在炎天轻易蜕变。Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.

皮革受潮可变质。Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions.

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夏季时水质会变坏。Water quality can deteriorate in the summer.

冰况在你船处将恶化。Ice situation expected to deteriorate in your position.

可交付成果或服务质量开始恶化。Deliverable quality or service quality starts to deteriorate.

但是当他们概括人类本性的时候事情就变得糟糕了。But things deteriorate when they generalize about human nature.

从各种迹象看,这种情况只会继续恶化。From all appearances, the situation was only going to deteriorate.

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冰况在白令海峡附近将恶化。Ice situation expected to deteriorate in area around Bering Strait.

软木粉脱模剂溶液易于变质或发酵。Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment.

关键问题是,形势会继续恶化到什么程度。And the question is to what extent the situation continues to deteriorate.

即便放入无酸纸盒中,报纸或杂志最终也会老化。Even in an acid-free box, a newspaper or magazine will eventually deteriorate.

HVOF沉积处理不会使所用粉末很快变质。The HVOF deposition process did not significantly deteriorate the powders used.

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症状恶化的人更有可能是那些仍旧吸烟的人。The patients whose symptoms deteriorate tend to be those who continue to smoke.

有些商品,包括许多农业产品,很容易腐烂。Some goods, including many agricultural products, physically deteriorate quickly.

干型杨梅果酒的总酸含量影响酒的质量。High total acids content in dry waxberry fruit wine would deteriorate wine quality.

各种因素一起上,才造成了我们最后“性乃迁”了。With many factors together, it results in our final " the nature will deteriorate".

受感染的香蕉们将会迅速腐烂成一堆堆无利可图的杂草。Affected crops would soon deteriorate into rotting piles of unprofitable vegetation.

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就像任何其他东西一样,我们的各种能力若不花精力去训练的话也会退化。Like anything else , abilities deteriorate when we stop applying our energies to them.

一旦欺骗占据了婚姻的主导地位,那么夫妻关系变会变质恶化。When lying comes to predominate in a marriage, the relationship begins to deteriorate.

书写能力减退,并可能发展为类似于帕金森氏病里的小写症。Handwriting might deteriorate and micrographia—as in Parkinson's disease—could develop.