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经济计量模型也是如此。So too with econometric models.

换言之,用计量经济学的术语来说,它是一个单位根过程。That is, in econometric terms, there is a unit root.

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2009年洪教授当选为计量经济学会会员。Hong is elected as Econometric Society Fellow in 2009.

您可能在分析计量经济学的数据或模拟雨林。You may be analyzing econometric data or modeling rain forests.

实践理性的预期和计量是首次出版于1981年。Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice was first published in 1981.

在评价经济计量估算值的大规模抽样特征时,这是一个有用的概念。The concept is useful in assessing the large sample properties of econometric estimators.

两个著名的计量经济学模式是联邦储备银行模式和DRI-WEFA模式。Tow famous econometric models are the Federal Reserve Bank econometric model and DRI-WEFA model.

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基于贝叶斯框架的DSGE方法有可能成为宏观计量经济学的新范式。DSGE based on Bayesian techniques will probably become a new paradigm in macro econometric modeling.

新型矿业税费金结构和计量模型有待于进一步论证、试验和改进。The new mineral tax system and the econometric model should be further proofed, tested and improved.

本文通过计量经济模型分析了外汇占款对我国通货膨胀的影响,并揭示了其内在传导机制。The article uses econometric tools to analyze the affection of Position for Forex Purchase on inflation.

本文利用面板数据的计量分析在很大程度上证明了后悔效应的存在。This paper's econometric analysis of household level panel data from China largely corroborates these theoretical propositions.

要求学生必须熟悉数学建模、微观经济学、计量经济学分析以及博弈论基础。It requires that students be comfortable with mathematical modeling, microeconomics , econometric analysis, and basic game theory.

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范利安和崔贤英指出,在计量经济模型中利用这些数据可提高预测的准确性。Mr Varian and Ms Choi show that the addition of these search trends to econometric models improves the accuracy of their estimates.

第四章主要通过计量模型逐层次的对江苏省能源、环境与经济进行了实证分析。The Chapter 4 is mainly an empirical analysis of the energy-environment-economy in Jiangsu Province based on the econometric model.

计量经济模型与数理经济模型的主要区别之一就是计量经济模型是随机模型。Econometric models are stochastic models, which is one of the main differences between econometric and quantitative economic models.

运用计量经济分析方法,分析了非农就业与农村劳动力转移培训的关系。The relationship between non-agricultural employment and rural labors transfer training was analyzed by econometric analysis method.

定量测度腐败现象主要有三种方法,公共开支跟踪调查法、经济计量法和腐败指数法。There are three methods to measure corruption, i. e. public expenditure tracking survey, econometric method and corruption indexing.

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第五章,笔者的视角从全球回到中国,运用计量策略,浅析浅析诸参数对流向中国的FDI的影响。In chapter five, from a global view to a Chinese view, I analyze the local determinants of the FDI to China by an econometric method.

当我们构造多部门数量经济模型的时候,往往要将千千万万种产品归结为几种产品或者几个部门。The construction of multi-sector econometric model often involves grouping millions of different goods into a few products or sectors.

长期记忆性的存在使得有可能通过建立非线性经济计量模型以改进价格预测效果。The discovery of long memory suggests possibilities of constructing nonlinear econometric models to improve price forecasting performance.