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我的工作是统计账目。I do accounting.

我是一个记账员。I'm an Accounting Clerk.

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它是会计的结终者。It’s the end of accounting.

我最喜欢成本会计这门课。I like cost accounting best.

房地产开发企业会计。Accounting of real estate ent.

必须有深圳会计证。Must have accounting certificate.

你去上会计课了吗?Did you go to the accounting class?

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目标是实现“绿色会计”主流化Goal to Mainstream Green Accounting

收付实现制或现金基础法Cash accounting method or cash basis

希腊的会计记录并不不可靠。It has a record of dodgy accounting.

权责发生制核算法的一些事实Facts About Accrual Accounting Method

会计这行当就像一把剑。The accounting profession is a sword.

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你是否学过成本会计?Have you ever studied cost accounting?

税收会影响会计法。Taxation can influence accounting act.

所以大部分原因并不在于会计。So it wasn't so much of the accounting.

你正式的职称是会计事务员。Your official title is Accounting Clerk.

会计或应付账款相关知识。Accounting or accounts payable knowledge.

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请把它交到财务科。Please take it to the accounting section.

权责发生制或应计基础法Accrual accounting method or accrual basis

他已从仓库调任至会计室。He is transfered from store to accounting.