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谁先动的手?Who struck first?

他划了一根火柴。He struck a match.

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钟敲六响。The clock struck six.

钟敲了九下。The clock struck nine.

钟以报过午时。The clock struck noon.

钟鸣3下。The clock struck three.

他因患中风而死去。Apoplexy struck him down.

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我一拳击在他的鼻子上。I struck him on his nose.

光线映照在他脸上。Light struck on his face.

那条狗咬伤了我的腿。The dog struck at my leg.

他们为增加薪金而罢工。They struck for more pay.

他狠揍了他妻子一顿。He struck out at his wife.

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她的批评切中要害。Her criticism struck home.

我用拳头揍他。I struck him with my fist.

他用拳头猛揍她。I struck him with my fist.

我的兄长将我刺死。My brother struck me dead.

钟已报时。The clock struck the hour.

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那匹马突然飞跑起来。The horse struck a gallop.

雷电再次闪击。The lightning struck again.

我一拳击中了他的头部。I struck at him on his head.