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人种学的起源可以追溯到达尔文。The origins of ethology can be traced back to darwin.

下面一页我们将探究一下动物行为学的世界。On the next page, we'll delve into the world of ethology.

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动物行为学是基于动物学之上的研究动物行为的学科。Ethology is the study of animal behavior, based in zoology.

“我当时对动物行为学的概念一无所知,”珍最近告诉我说。"I didn't even know what ethology was, " she told me recently.

这份研究在一月份的动物行为学期刊内有详细的说明。The study is detailed in the January issue of the journal Ethology.

1965年古道尔在剑桥大学取得了动物行为学的博士学位。In 1965 Goodall earned her Ph.D. in ethology from Cambridge University.

1965年古德尔获得剑桥大学动物行为学博士学位。In 1965 Goodall earned her Ph. D. in ethology from Cambridge University.

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那些人试图将动物行为学变成一门艰深的学问。"These people were trying to make ethology a hard science," Goodall recalls.

以下的连结为关于人类行为学此领域额外的线上参考资源。The links below are online references for additional resources in the field of human ethology.

笔者对家畜行为学在畜牧学教学中的地位与作用进行了探讨。This paper discusses the position and function of ethology of domestic animals on animal husbandry teaching.

人类行为学研究专注于对人类行为的进化源头的分析以及各种文化氛围下人类行为的比较。Human ethology research looks at the evolutionary origins of human behavior and also compares behaviors across cultures.

关于动物预测死亡的相关信息以及动物行为学和相关话题,如感兴趣请在原文的下一页进行链连。For more information about animals predicting death, ethology and related topics, please check out the links on the next page.

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本大学部课程提供给人类动物行为学未来的研究者兼具广度及深度的内容。This undergraduate class presents human ethology for future researchers in the field, and is designed to be both broad and deep.

8月2日,在威斯康兴州麦迪逊市举行的国际人类习性学协会会议上,他们告诉大家,那是可能的。And, as they told a meeting of the International Society for Human Ethology in Madison, Wisconsin, on August 2nd, they found that it could.

方法采用慢性疲劳动物模型,通过小鼠游泳实验,结合大鼠悬尾实验等动物行为学方法进行研究。Methods The animal model of chronic fatigue and the swimming experiment were used in this study, with the rat tail suspension test of the animal ethology method.

Nagy在这个月的动物行动比较学的杂志中报道,无论运动员和他们的伙伴的性别或是国籍如何,拥抱都平均大约持续3秒钟。Regardless of the athletes' and their partners' gender or national origin, the hugs lasted about 3 seconds on average, Nagy reports this month in the Journal of Ethology.

虽然本课程主要聚焦于人类,但由于人类动物行为学和动物行为间有许多相似处,本课程也探索两学科间的交集。While the course focuses primarily on humans, it explores the intersection of human ethology and animal behavior, because there are many similarities between the two disciplines.