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用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易。Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe.

欧元用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易。Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe.

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例如,有利率与欧洲美元期货的关系。For example, there's relation between interest rate and Eurodollar futures.

因此,欧洲美元期货和远期外汇应用于对冲风险。Consequently, Eurodollar futures and forward exchange are applied to hedge risks.

由于资金从美国流向欧洲美元市场而引起的美国利率的变化。Changes in U. S. interest rates due to movement of funds from the U. S. to the Eurodollar markets.

欧洲美元和联邦利率基金期货周五多数下滑,一周表现为2010年最差之一.Futures on Eurodollar and federal funds slipped modestly on Friday, finishing one of their worst weeks in 2010.

利息渗漏由于资金从美国流向欧洲美元市场而引起的美国利率的变化。Interest leakage Changes in U. S. Interest rates due to movement of funds from the U. S. To the Eurodollar markets.

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以伦敦银行间同业拆放利率为基准的欧洲美元借贷利率被认为是国际资金借贷成本最有效的晴雨表之一。The Eurodollar borrowing rate based on the LIBOR is considered one of the most valid barometers of the international cost of money.

但是结果,美国注册的银行不能通过借贷给海外的国内客户来规避欧元的准备金要求。But as a result, US-chartered banks could not get around the eurodollar reserve requirement by booking loans to domestic customers offshore.

当美国联邦储备委员会在美国限制存款利率时,欧洲美元市场又一次促进了美元存款。The eurodollar market was given another major boost when the american federal reserve board place limits on deposit interest rates in the united states.

但是,在美国经营的国外银行没有提供这样的关于其境外运作的信息,因此在没那么全面的基础上评估其欧元准备金要求。However, foreign banks operating in the United States did not provide such information on their offshore operations and were assessed the eurodollar reserve requirement on a less inclusive base.