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那风比北极的烈风千倍狂暴。By the tenfold blasts of the Arctic zone.

在过去一百二十年中,人口已膨胀了十倍。In the past 120 years the population has increased tenfold.

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但是现在,这个爱管闲事的臭虫所造成的恐怖感觉十倍于此啊。But now this meddlesome bedbug has inspired tenfold the terror.

佛罗里达现有人口1.83亿,比20世纪40年代增长了十倍。Florida’s population has risen tenfold since the 1940s, to 18.3m.

计时器真的能每十年提高十倍吗?Can timekeeping possibly continue a tenfold improvement every decade?

光彩以外,纵有十个埃及,彼得也无须去注意。If it was tenfold Egypt beyond that, Peter had no call to look and see.

三棱财团以此前十倍价格出售其冷冻产品。Mitsubishi conglomerate sells frozen stockpiles at tenfold previous prices.

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但是它真的如此不同而值高出其他油类十倍的价格吗?But does it make enough difference that it’s worth a tenfold premium in price?

他们说自从美国人扳倒了萨达姆先生后,工资涨了十倍。They had risen tenfold since the Americans had toppled Mr. Hussein, they said.

今年年底,努鲁公司计划将客户数量增加9倍。Nuru Design plans to increase its customer base tenfold by the end of the year.

根据兰德公司未公布的数据,从2002年至2006年使用I.M.R.T.增加十倍。Use of I.M.R.T. rose tenfold from 2002 to 2006, according to unpublished RAND data.

这样一来,谢奇慢博士看到的对称体的顺序就成了10次——那在当时是不可能的。In this case the order of symmetry Dr Shechtman saw was tenfold. That is impossible.

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公司的工程师们设定目标决定用碳纤维增强塑料,这样成本就减少为原来的十分之一。Company engineers have set a goal of a tenfold reduction in production costs for CFRP.

从2001年到2010年,美国清洁能源的投资额翻了整整十倍。Between 2001 and 2010 investment in the American clean-tech industry increased tenfold.

我年轻时注意到,我每做十件事有九件不成功,于是我就做了十倍的工作。I have noticed that nine out of ten matters I did would fail, so I did my work tenfold hard.

2000-2007年间,发展中国家的互联网用户增加了十倍。Between 2000 and 2007, the number of Internet users in developing countries increased tenfold.

这个月中国公布了规划,要在未来十年内,实现核能的十倍增长。This month China announced plans to increase nuclear energy capacity tenfold over the next decade.

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在接下来的十年里,全州范围内注册黑人选民数量翻了不止十番。And in the coming decades, registration of black voters statewide would increase more than tenfold.

中国政府正在计划到2011年把乡村银行网点数目增加到1027家。So the Chinese government is planning to increase the number of rural banks over tenfold to 1,027 by 2011.

中国政府正在计划到2011年把乡村银行网点数目增加到1027家。So the Chinese government is planning to increase the number of rural banks over tenfold to 1, 027 by 2011.