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力大无比的二丫起了主要效果。Herculean ya up two main effect.

须在极困难情况下工作的消防队员。They have taken on a Herculean task.

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挖掘这座隧道似乎是一项艰钜的任务。Digging this tunnel seems to be a herculean task.

哺乳瓦斯婴儿可以一项艰巨的任务,但它是值得的。Breastfeeding a gassy baby can be a Herculean task, but it is well worth it.

这两个人为了搬掉倒在受害者汽车上的树花出了巨大的力气。The two men made a Herculean effort to lift the fallen tree off the victim's car.

你会想这些样本中很多人有着魔鬼般的工作时间。As you might expect,this sample has a lot of people who like to work Herculean hours.

我和我的丈夫说话时气汹汹因为他没有欣赏我这方面赫尔格立斯式成就。I snapped at my husband because he didn't appreciate this Herculean accomplishment on my part.

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对他们来说,编程只是一场征服之旅,不断去克服各种挑战。To them, programming is an odyssey of increasingly demanding Herculean challenges to overcome.

这些小成绩看来是艰辛努力的结果,而且渐渐开始重建起她那已空竭的信心。These small feats seemed like Herculean accomplishments and slowly served to restore her depleted confidence.

这一始于1927年指定法律委员会的艰巨无比的任务终于完成了。The more than Herculean task which is now at last completed began with the appointment of the Statutory Commission in 1927.

但是,他相信,一旦我们意识到形势的严峻性之后,我们就会不惜代价来挽救文明。But he says he also believes we will make a Herculean effort to save civilization once we realize how dire our situation is.

与其选择一个需要巨大努力才能完成的目标,不如选择一个对你的现状来说比较现实的目标。Instead of choosing a goal that would require herculean efforts, choose a goal that is more realistic for your circumstances.

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其中一点是,它显示出2008至2009年期间,美联储为维持金融体系的正常运行,所付出的巨大努力。One lesson is that it shows the Herculean and creative lengths the Fed went to, to keep the system afloat during 2008 and 2009.

而如今,全国几十个军事基地都在不遗余力地拯救濒危物种。Today, herculean efforts to save threatened species are unfolding at dozens of military sites across the nation, from Eglin, Fla.

这也许是我们的团队在开发和测试的结尾不必花费大量时间工作的第一个项目。This was probably the first project on which our team didn't have to work Herculean hours near the end of development and testing.

因此,培育抗病、抗虫和抗逆的作物品种是育种工作者长期而艰巨的任务。Therefore, it is a Herculean and long-term task for plant breeding workers to cultivate the germplasms of resistance to these factors.

虽然任务艰巨,但数以万计的企业家不惜以此来拓宽法律所允许的界限。A herculean task. But it was done by the tens and then hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs pushing the frontier of what was allowed.

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这是一次努力作用巨大,它阻止了立刻就要发生的银行破产的灾难,而这场灾难的威胁已经到了会把华尔街撕成碎片的地步。It was a Herculean effort, and it staved off the outright catastrophe of a bank failure that had threatened to split Wall Street asunder.

从另一个角度看它又像是在施展大力神的应变力,想要努力支撑住上面的巨大的悬臂式底板的重量。From other angles it seems to be under a Herculean strain, as if fighting to support the enormous weight of the cantilevered floors above.

此外,教师必须对他们的研究有强烈的激情,并愿意用多年的时间投入艰辛的努力。In addition, faculty members must have a driving passion toward their research and be willing to devote a Herculean effort over many years.