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在厨房中整洁地摆放物品也会让它看上去有一种清新感。Put article trimly to also can let it look have a kind of pure and fresh feeling.

装订时,文件没有放整齐,出现漏订的情况。When binding, the document hasn't been put trimly that make some paper haven't been bound.

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当她穿戴整齐的时候,她的确是个娇小可爱的姑娘,大大的眼睛,富于表情的嘴角。When she was trimly dressed she was rather a sweet little being, with large eyes and a sad mouth.

材料选择面盆是陶瓷的,台面下的柜子是不锈钢和实木做的,整洁地搁置着白色的毛巾。Basin of material choice face is pottery and porcelain, stainless steel and real wood make the cabinet below mesa, laying aside white towel trimly.

这是一段4分多钟的音频文件,文件提示试听前要“闭上眼睛,双手整齐地放在一起”。This is a paragraph of frequency file of 4 minutes of bells, file clew tries before listening, want " close an eye, both hands is put trimly together ".

宽敞整洁的便利店里,一排排货架整齐地排列着,等待着那些琳琅满目的商品。In capacious and trim convenience shop, goods shelves of a platoon is being arranged trimly , awaiting the commodity of those full of beautiful things in eyes.

其实,德国人大都非凡喜欢做饭,他们的厨房也总是保持得非常整洁,一尘不染。有什么秘诀吗?Actually, german National People's Congress likes to cook particularly, their kitchen always also maintains very trimly , fine dirt is not caught. What recipe is there?

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首先把泡沫塑料裁剪成与床相同的宽度,然后用预备好的人造皮革将其整洁地包裹起来,折叠的部分用胶带固定好即可。Cut out expanded plastics into as identical as the bed width above all, use ready man-made leather to lap its trimly next, folding part has been secured with adhesive plaster can.

她穿戴齐整时,真是个可爱的小姑娘,长着大大的眼睛忧伤的嘴,她脸上流露出期望、不满和郁郁寡欢的复杂表情。When she was trimly dressed she was rather a sweet little being, with large eyes and a sad mouth. Her face expressed the mingled expectancy, dissatisfaction, and depression she felt.

最让男人称心的是一本本书能到位,有一个书架是吊柜式的,被女人整洁地码上了大部头专业书籍。Most those who make a man gratified is the book can reach the designated position, having a shelf is condole cabinet form, was piled up trimly to go up by the woman book of major of greater part head.