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从“全球变暖教堂”传出更多预言。More prognostication from the Church of Global Warming.

迄今为止,预言往往是一种最具风险的专家言论。Prognostication is by far the riskiest form of punditry.

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比较各方法预测精度,赋予不同权重,建立组合预测模型。We also compared the prognostication precision , endow differ power , and established assembled forecast model.

昏迷时间预测模型的建立采用逐步回归分析。The analysis methods were used logistic regression model for the coma duration prognostication model established.

一些医学专家称,这是在医学预防领域的第一次革命性尝试。This is, some medical experts say, a first taste of what is expected to be a revolution in medical prognostication.

只有对他自己所创立的社会主义,即社会主义的到来不可避免的预言,他才冠之以科学的称呼。For his own socialism, the prognostication of the inevitability of socialism's coming, he claimed the epithet scientific.

血流动力学的状态参数及其变化是认识动脉瘤的发生、发展和破裂以及风险预测的基础。The hemodynamic factors play an important role in cranial aneurysm's formation, development, rupture and risk prognostication.

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深部金品位变化规律与构造间关系是隐伏矿体定位预测的难点。The relation between gold grade variation and structure in deep is the key to location and prognostication of concealed ore body.

而以易学的术数推衍具体的治疗方法及疾病预测等则大多不可靠。However, the specific therapies and the prognostication of diseases inferred by using the art of mathematics were mostly unreliable.

最后对视情维护下的周转件需求预测与库存控制进行了案例分析。Moreover, a case study is taken to illuminate the demand prognostication and inventory control of on condition maintenance rotables.

联想是一些文艺作品的线索链和结构方式,格言跟联想有密切关系,联想还是新词语预测的重要途径。Aphorism is closely related with mental association, which is also an important means for the prognostication of new words and expressions.

但是,当她指出,亚马逊将彻底改变客户关系的建立方式和图书销售方式时,多数人都认为她在口出狂言。But as she contended that Amazon would revolutionize customer relationship-building as well as book-selling, most people thought her prognostication was nuts.

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为此,本研究利用地震反演方法对本区的储层发育情况进行了预测,并利用PCD压力预测方法对地层压力系数进行了预测。Therefore, this paper focused on the prediction of reservoirs by using seismic inversion and the prognostication of formation pressure by applying PCD method.

本文以我国煤矿矿井长期观测资料为基础,采用数理统计方法进行了风温预测的研究。Based on long-period observations in several coal mines this paper discusses the problem of prognostication of mine air temperature using the statistical method.

除温度和压力等因素外,矿物磁性特征应视为金矿床形成和预测主要条件之一。The mineral magnetism should be regarded as one of main conditions in gold deposits forming and metallogenetic prognostication in addition to temperature and pressure.

这种理想的参考资源也会提供在牙髓学治疗方案方面的帮助,即使它只是个体程序的先头部分。The ideal referring source will also acknowledge help with the treatment plan from the endodontist even if it simply is the prognostication of the individual procedure.

结论有序回归分析不仅可以找出糖尿病肾病的影响因素,而且可以定量分析,并进行个案预测。Conclusion Ordinal regression can not only show the infective factors of the diabetic nephropathy, but also can make quantitative analysis as well as individual prognostication.

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通过对农村公路通达深度的分析,提出了农村公路近期发展规模和资金需求预测,为指导农村路网规划提出参考依据。Based on analyses of country highway's layout, the development scale and fund requirement prognostication are given in this paper, aimed at instructing country highway net's layout.

理论预测和实验研究发现纳米碳管具有独特的机械、电学、热学等性能。Theoretic prognostication and researching work show that the nanotubes have characteristics in mechanism and electrology and calorifics . which make it great application in these fields.