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全组无纵隔感染及急性心包填塞并发症。No complications of mediastinal infection or acute pericardial tamponade were found.

心包穿刺引流是解除心包填塞简单、安全、有效的方法。Pericardiocentesis is a simple, safe and effective therapy for acute cardiac tamponade.

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但是,肝素引起心包膜填塞的副作用反而很少遇到而较易被忽略。However, heparin-induced cardiac tamponade is rarely encountered and may be easily overlooked.

注意暗红血凝块为心包积血,可致心包填塞。Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium. The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.

注意暗红血凝块为心包积血,可致心包填塞。Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium . The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.

目的探讨因心包填塞死亡的临床与病理特征。Objective To investigate clinical and pathological feature of death cases due to pericardial tamponade.

心脏破裂造成心包填塞一般发生在急性心肌梗死5-7天。Cardiac rupture with tamponade is most likely to occur 5 to 7 days after an acute myocardial infarction.

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心包填塞是内科常见的急症之一,处理不当可危及病人的生命。Cardiac tamponade is a common medical emergency one, improper handling can endanger the lives of patients.

颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示心包填塞。Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, and a paradoxical pulse.

方法对5例心脏大血管损伤并急性心包压塞的患者进行临床分析。Methods 5 cases with cardio great vessels accompamied with acute cardiac tamponade were analyzed retrospectively.

目的探讨晶状体玻璃体切除联合眼内硅油填充术中保留前囊的作用。Objctive To investigate the role of keeping anterior capsule in lensectomy, vitrectomy and silicone oil tamponade.

其中,部分与学习曲线有关,但各种操作都可能导致心脏压塞。Some were related to learning-curve, but any kind of cardiac intervention could probably lead to cardiac tamponade.

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了解这些心包填塞的原因有助于采取有效措施预防其发生。Understanding these causes is helpful for taking effective strategies to prevent the occurence of cardiac tamponade.

浆液性心包炎以分泌液体聚集为特征,大量浆液渗出时就可能引起心包填塞。Serous pericarditis is marked by fluid collection. Rarely, the fluid collection may be large enough to cause tamponade.

前后挤压型由于出血致骨盆腔容积增加,不太可能自发填塞。AP compression injuries cause an increased pelvic volume with any resulting haemorrhage unlikely to tamponade spontaneously.

目的观察视网膜脱离复位手术后硅油填充眼的B型超声声像图特征。Objective To observe B-scan ultrasonographic features of eyes with silicone oil tamponade after retinal reattachment surgery.

可能与玻璃体切除、晶状体切除、前部增生性玻璃体视网膜病变及硅油和惰性气体充填术有关。All these factors relate to lentectomy, vitrectomy, anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy, silicone oil, and gas for tamponade.

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结论玻璃体切除联合注入C3F8后发生视网膜动脉阻塞的原因是多方面的。Conclusion There are different causes of retinal artery occlusion after vitrectomy with C3F8 gas tamponade in ocular trauma patients.

目的评价应用玻璃体视网膜显微手术结合硅油充填治疗复杂性视网膜脱离的效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of vitreoretinal surgery and silicon oil tamponade in the treatment of complicated retinal detachment.

对于静脉和松质骨出血的处置,通用做法是稳定骨折促使填塞压迫止血。It is generally accepted that venous and cancellous bleeding is managed by initial stabilization of the fracture to facilitate tamponade.