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你知道你能够转化它。You knew you could transmute it.

我们可以将水力变成电力。We can transmute water power into electric power.

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把贱金属变成黄金是不可能的。It is impossible to transmute base metals into gold.

一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银炼成黄金。A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold.

黑碧玺是以能够转换负面能量而著称的。Black tourmaline is well known to transmute negative energies.

这些实体,即使在占用身体时,也能改变物质。These entities, even while occupying a body, could transmute matter.

我意愿转换在我祖先、能量场和形体内的湮灭之思想形态。I intend to transmute the thought-form of annihilation in my ancestry , field and form.

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根据他的宣言他的政治观点一度开始转变。It was a time when, according to his manifesto, his political views began to transmute.

魔力是是一种炼金术,从中你也可以将致密或不和谐转化为光。Magic is a form of alchemy in which one can also transmute density or discord into light.

那是你最大的保护力,因为它可以“转移”或者“改变”黑暗的能量。That is all you need for your protection, as it will deflect or transmute the dark energies.

当方块开启时,把二个赫拉迪克之杖的零件放进去,并发挥方块改变外观的力量。When the Cube opens, place both pieces of the Staff into it and use the Cube's transmute power.

引导性能量达向智能,奉献你空余的时间在艺术和学习上。Transmute sexual energy towards the intellect, dedicating your spare time to the arts and to study.

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它将适时转化或者瓦解,随着它无法再保持下去的时候,将达到一个临界点。It will in time transmute or disintegrate, as a point will be reached when it cannot remain any longer.

当时,中央安全机构正积极参与通过核反应嬗变危险的化学物质。At that time, the CSO was heavily involved in trying to transmute dangerous chemicals via nuclear reactions.

从古埃及到中世纪以及之后时期,探险家们就尝试将普通金属变成黄金。From ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages and beyond, adventurers have tried to transmute base metals into gold.

只要你们中的许多人去这么做,会有一个让人惊喜的巨大力量产生,并根除转变黑暗的能量。When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.

天使界任何时候都可以帮你把那些不再对你有益的转化变回成爱的内容。The angelic realms can help you transmute that which no longer serves you back into the LOVE that IS at any time.

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因此最佳的是供应给身体任何所需,以在每一提升阶段进入身体水平的转化。It is best therefore to give the body what it needs to transmute upon a physical level at each phase of ascension.

那些有着太多黑暗的造物们没有足够的光明去转化黑暗,而在频率上跌落了再跌落。Those creations with too much darkness had not enough light to transmute the dark, and fell and fell in frequency.

孤独是蜕变,生身力量的蜕变,精神拨节的蜕变。The standing alone is to transmute, livinging the body strength to transmute, the spirit stirs stanza to transmute.