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这是王先生和王太太。Das sind Herr und Frau Wang.

吴先生和夫人是中国人。Herr und Frau Wu kommen aus China.

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您为什么要给史密兰女士寄录音带?Why did you send Frau Schmitz cassettes?

欢迎您来中国,米勒夫人!Herzlich Willkommen in China, Frau Mller !

也不记得我是怎样跟施密兹打招呼的。Nor do I remember how I greeted Frau Schmits.

我也记不得我是怎样和史密芝女士打的招呼。Nor do I remember how I greeted Frau Schmitz.

他描述了,富尔·爱尔琳家里的人。He described the people at Frau Erlin's house.

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是的,我是施耐德夫人。您好,李先生!Ja, ich bin Frau Schneider. Guten Tag, Herr Li!

我注意到您没探访过施密兹夫人。I have noticed that you do not visit Frau Schmitz.

但这并没有给我勇气去史密芝女士那儿。But that was not what gave me the courage to go to Frau Schmitz.

多年来您和施密兹夫人有着书信往来。For years you and Frau Schmitz have corresponded with each other.

“您太太都好吗?”阿姆斯特朗问。Ist mit Ihrer Frau alles in Ordnung?" erkundigte sich Armstrong."

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我不知道是从哪里来的、又想要去看施密兹夫人的勇气。I don`t know where I found the courage to go back to Frau Schmitz.

施密兹夫人完全可以料理好她自己的生活,个人能照顾好自己的。Frau Schmitz can take care of herself quite well, and manages on her own.

施密兹夫人总是把一些磁带借给互助会的盲人囚犯。Frau Schmitz always lent some tapes to the aid society for blind prisoners.

没有您高超的医道和美好的医德,我内人是无法得以在如此短的时间内恢复健康的。Ohne Ihre Kunst und Güte wäre meine Frau nicht in so kurzer Zeit wieder gesund geworden.

自从史密兰女士学会认字之后,她马上就开始读有关集中营的书籍。As soon as Frau Schmitz learned to read, she began to read about the concentration camps.

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一个德国主妇不能也不愿代替自己的丈夫操作机床,而苏联女人就可以。A German Frau couldn’t and didn’t want to replace her husband at the lathe! Russian women could.

但因为其它政党民意测验率差强人意,这位钢铁女战士依然具有很强的影响力。But with poll ratings static for other parties, the "Iron Frau" is still a force to be reckoned with.

巴林女士紧跟在我后面,她蹲伏着向气喘嘘嘘地我挪过来,递给我孩子。Frau Ballin is behind me. She crouches and hands me my child, limp now, and gasping a little for breath.