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庆祝生命的末期保育和带有灵感的作家。Celebrates the life of the late conservationist and inspirational writer Roger Deakin.

他是一位环保人士,经常宣传和支持大自然保护事业。He is an environmental conservationist and often advocates and supports natural causes.

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大熊猫专家潘文石教授与研究小组成员于1983年合照。Leading Panda conservationist Professor Pan Wen Shi pictured with a team member in 1983.

您正在收听对希拉•柯南特的采访。You are listening to Sheila Conant, a zoologist and conservationist at the University of Hawaii.

但作为一个节约主义和环保主义者,我清楚低利率将会让人们考虑长期投资。But as a conservationist and environmentalist, I know that low rates enable a certain kind of long-term thinking.

自然保护主义者和冒险家里克里奇韦和摄影师乔里斯已经开始记录“今年的迁移”。Conservationist and adventurer Rick Ridgeway and photographer Joe Riis have set out to document "This Year's Migration".

建设“生态文明”之国,必须创新现有真理标准观。It is necessary to innovate the existing truth criterion in order to construct a country with "conservationist culture".

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大众甲虫小型轿车一直以来以省油著称,但如果将其环保主义应用于房屋又会怎样呢?The compact Volkswagen Beetle has always been a fuel-efficient car, but what about applying that conservationist model to a house?

有一位环保主义者认为,大楼如此之高,将会危及喜欢夜间迁徙的鸟类安全,因为飞鸟完全可能“砰”地一声撞在冷不丁出现的障碍物上。Such tall buildings, a conservationist there protested, would interfere with the night migration of birds, which would bang into the unexpected obstructions.

因为科莱特是个动物保护主义者,他把所有的动物看做他的家人,包括疯狂的钢牙呜兹,尽管他的到来也带来了不小的麻烦。Klaette. Klaette is a conservationist because he put all the animals as his family, including the crazy steel teeth Woods, even though his arrival had no small trouble.

环保主义者,狐猴专家帕特利卡·莱特说她收到过其他公园的护林员因担心自身安全而陆续离岗的报告。Patricia Wright, a conservationist and lemur expert, said she had received reports that rangers were abandoning their posts in other parks because of fears for their safety.

理查德·李基是一名具有传奇色彩的自然保护主义者,他使用互联网把关心地球濒危物种的个人与战斗在前线的环保工作者沟通的桥梁。Legendary conservationist Richard Leakey saw the Internet as a way to connect individuals concerned about the planets threatened flora and fauna with those working on the frontlines to save it.

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一名保育人士周四表示,乌干达西部的人民因邻国刚果长达两年的内战而流离失所,饥民被迫以小型黑猩猩果腹,此举已威胁到黑猩猩族群的生存。Hungry refugees displaced by the two-year civil war in neighboring Congo and forced to eat small apes threaten to wipe out the chimpanzee population in western Uganda, a conservationist said Thursday.