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背板产品在营业收入中的比例?Percentage of revenue from backplane production.

55LQ2直流-直流转换器能插入标准的紧凑型PCI背板。The 55LQ2 plugs into a standard CompactPCI backplane.

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局域网将成为系统就绪LXI仪器的基础。LAN will become the backplane in system-ready LXI instruments.

介绍了一个高速背板总线的设计尝试。A design of high speed backplane bus is introduced in this paper.

采用背板的方式无需在外部通过接线连接插卡的输出。The backplane eliminates the necessity of wiring the card outputs together externally.

扫描仪主机的背板可连接每个开的相应开关组。The backplane of the scanner mainframe will connect the appropriate banks of each card.

你可以改变不同的参数,打印出螺旋模板和底板。You can alter various parameters and it will print out a winding template and backplane.

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如果某个开关卡必须与其它卡进行隔离,则必须拆下该卡上的背板跳线。If one card must be isolated from the others, the backplane jumpers on that card must be removed.

大多数开关卡都有跳线,可以通过拆下跳线将插卡的输出从背板断开。Most switch cards have jumpers that can be removed to disconnect the card output from the backplane.

底板可以在控制面板上通过信号来显示间格内每一个驱动器的故障状态。The backplane provides signals to the control panel to indicate failure status for each drive in the bay.

因为共享内存池必需能够被主板上所有的处理器访问到,共享内存必须配置成非缓存的形式。Because the shared-memory pool is accessed by all processors on the backplane , that memory must be configured as non-cacheable.

为了将开关卡的输出连接在一起,特定开关卡的输出都会被连接到扫描仪主机的背板。To connect the outputs of the cards together, certain cards have their outputs connected to the backplane of the scanner mainframe.

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插座背板底座的双面胶可将其固定于仪表台下、扶手位等适合位置。Outlet backplane of the double-sided adhesive base can be fixed in the audience instruments, such as handrails in suitable locations.

综述了目前大尺寸AMOLED显示的技术挑战,尤其是背板技术。In this work, we review the current technological challenges for large-size AMOLED displays with an emphasis on the backplane technology.

对于特定的信号类型,例如低电平或高频率,则不宜使用模拟背板,以避免造成信号劣化。For certain signal types, such as low level or high frequency, the analog backplane should not be used to avoid possible signal degradation.

SRIO处理器是一个互连技术,并用一个背板使电路板上的芯片相互连接。A Rapid IO Processor is an inter-connect technology that connects chips on a circuit board and circuit boards to each other using a backplane.

另外,目标处理器的主板包含一个外部的内存块作为共享内存池,一个以太网网卡。In addition to the target processors, the backplane includes a separate memory board for the shared-memory pool, and an Ethernet controller board.

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为了验证新同步算法的可行性,本文设计完成了以仿真底板方式,构建的模数混合信号仿真环境。In order to validate the feasibility of new synchronization algorithm, a mixed-signal simulation environment using simulation backplane is designed.

该总线桥是某型协调控制器系统的通讯核心,实现了系统下层的背板总线、背板总线管理器与上位机EPP并口之间的协议转换以及通讯仲裁功能。This bridge is the core of communication of the controller system, it connects the bottom level backplane bus, backplane bus controller, and PC EPP parallel port.

采集过程中,通过运用PXI总线的背板时钟和同步触发功能,较好的解决了各种板卡之间的同步问题。The synchronization of signal acquisition among multiple boards has been achieved by the use of system clock on the backplane and RTSI trigger bus integrated in PXI bus.