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但这一梦想,似乎也很遥远。But, it too, seemed immovable.

但是你的话被石头关住了,啊,“不动的美”!But your speech is shut up in stone, O Immovable Beauty!

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他没料到他将面对一群不动情的观众。He didn't expect that he would face an immovable audience.

然而她并不指望丽莉也象她那样深居简出。She did not, indeed, expect Lily to remain equally immovable.

当无坚不摧之力攻打无法撼动之物时会出现什么情况?。What happens when The Unstoppable Force hits the Immovable Object?

完成了该制动机的单车试验与牵引列车定置试验。It is completed that is test of single vehicle and immovable train.

吉姆站在屋里的门口边,纹丝不动地好像闻鸟狗。Jim stopped inside the door, as immovable as a dog smelling a bird.

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忘了现在你家那只坚硬的,不能移动的浴缸吧。Forget that hard, immovable tub you currently have in your bathroom.

目前,SDIO有两类主要应用——可移动和不可移动。Currently, SDIO There are two main applications- movable and immovable.

不过这股力量现在对抗的是不可抗拒的原子物理。But that force is now up against the immovable object of atomic physics.

慢慢地它们像是从润泽的香肠变成了石头——变得苍白而僵硬。Slowly they transformed from plump sausages to stone – white and immovable.

吉莫迈步进了门,仿佛一条猎犬嗅到了鹌鹑的气味,一动不动了。Jim stepped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail.

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我猜这就是无坚不摧的力量,碰上不肯动摇的物体的结果。I guess this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

侵占罪的犯罪对象不仅包括动产还应包括不动产。The crime target of an appropriation crime includes both movable property and immovable assets.

不动产登记暂行条例正式实施。The provisional regulations on the registration of immovable property were officially implemented.

单单是看到炮弹在坚不可摧的障碍物前弹开就确实已经乐趣无穷了。It's actually fairly satisfying to just watch the effects as things bounce off immovable obstacles.

经济夹在一边一个不可阻挡的力量和另一边不可移动的物体之间。The economy is caught between an unstoppable force on one side and an immovable object on the other.

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不空是指真实,这是善的,常,乐,我,净,不动的和不变的。Not-empty points to Truth, to whatever is Good, Eternal, Bliss, Self, Pure, Immovable and Unchanging.

这样,正派人坚定不移的道德信念就同财产的保护连在一起了。In this way the immovable moral convictions of vice people become linked with the defense of property.

继而,对不动产、干股等特殊的财产或财产性利益的收受作了分析。Then, it analyzes the acceptance for immovable real property, carried interest and other special property.