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这个抢镜头的家伙是谁?Who was this crazed interloper?

她疯狂而凶猛地厮打著。She fought with crazed ferocity.

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那个疯子拿着一把剁肉的斧子向我扑来。The crazed man came at me with a meat-axe.

那条断臂几乎使他痛得发狂。The broken arm nearly crazed him with pain.

为烦恼而疯狂,为无望的爱情悲喜。Or crazed with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.

那个疯子拿着刀向警察扑过去。The crazed man went at the policeman with a knife.

他去过的,不过,这是提起那场疯狂冒险的时候吗?He has, but is it the moment to mention that crazed escapade?

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杀红了眼的暴徒们意欲占领这座城市。The mobs became driven by a crazed blood-lust to take the city.

妇人直瞪瞪的目光透过门口,又透过了英曼的脸庞,好似眼前什么都没有。The woman staring crazed past the threshold, past Inmans face, as if she saw nothing.

机车、汽车备用零件、服饰和化妆品都在疯狂寻宝中被抢光。Motorbikes, spare car parts, clothes and make-up were all taken in a crazed treasure hunt.

这是非常轻松,直到你的对手开始谈论起球您喜欢这个疯狂的机器人。It is all very relaxing until your opponent starts lobbing balls at you like a crazed robot.

电影让我们看到这块土地上人们心灵的空虚,身不由己陷溺于疯狂追逐金钱的世界里。The new China shows us a land where the heart is empty in the face of a world crazed for money.

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一个男人为什么不通过这一时尚的绿化环境判断她的审美情趣,却要留意她乱遭遭的车库呢?Why would a man focus on her garage when there was this crazed landscaping with which to judge her?

1993年,塞莱斯在汉堡网球赛中被一位疯狂的史蒂夫·格拉芙球迷刺伤背部。In 1993, Seles was stabbed in the Back at a tennis tournament in Hamburg by a crazed Steffi Graf fan.

恶魔放弃了对雷欧瑞克的控制,但国王的灵魂已被腐蚀殆尽,头脑也已发狂。The demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the King's soul was left corrupted and his mind crazed.

尽管如此,人类世界,精灵世界,魔界无不为之疯狂,趋之若鹜。All the same, the human kingdom, eidolon kingdom, and devildom were still crazed about it and scrambled for it.

两天后在奥克兰机场,一名疯狂的暴徒冲向比伯,撞倒了他的妈妈,还偷走了他的帽子。Two days later in Auckland, a crazed mob rushed Bieber at the airport, knocked down his mother and stole his hat.

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我最近的宿敌是发狂的杀手,他粗鲁的反心理学倾向令我震惊,也让整个城市为之一震。My most recent nemesis was a crazed murderer whose ruthless anti-philosophy shook me, and the city, to the very core.

现在,这些东西,也就是城市,不停地变得越来越大,越来越快,人们也越来越疯狂。Now these things, Cities, kept getting bigger and bigger and faster and faster, the people getting more and more crazed.

同样地,当一个突斯肯人死去时,他的座骑会发疯并自我毁灭,这样发狂的班沙兽会被释放到沙漠中。Similarly, when a raider dies, his mount becomes frenzied and suicidal. Such crazed banthas are set loose in the desert.