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地下湖。Underground lake.

湖水涸竭。The lake dried up.

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湖面结了一层薄冰。Ice skimmed the lake.

在湖中畅泳。Swimming in the lake.

这个湖变得越来越浅了。The lake is shoaling.

他们乘木筏渡过湖。They rafted the lake.

它是一个人造的湖。It is a man-made lake.

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乔治斯喜爱他的湖。Georges loved his lake.

跨湖。我游湖跨越。I swam across the lake.

湖看起来无止尽。The lake seems endless.

乘船游湖。A boat trip on the lake.

看到那边的湖了吗?See the lake over there?

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湖面泛起涟漪。The lake rippled gently.

这个湖周围的地方出现了新面貌。The land the lake a new.

有一个小湖。There was a little lake.

湖泊奇妙无比。This lake was wonderful.

把凄凉的湖交成伊甸乐园。An Eden of that dim lake.

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耐晒孔雀蓝色淀。Fast Malachite Blue lake.

休伦湖作为一条水路。Lake Huron as a waterway.

我们小船划破了平静的湖面。Our boat sliced the lake.