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造船用门式起重机是起重机的一种。Shipbuilding gantry crane is a crane.

在第一个楼梯的上面是一个起重架台。At the top of the first ladder Is a gantry.

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这种机器叫贝雷门式起重机。This machine is called Bailey gantry crane.

单主梁门式起重机是门式起重机的一种。Single-girder gantry crane is a gantry crane.

用抓斗的普通门式起重机工作级别较高。With a grab of ordinary high-level gantry crane.

采用无底架龙门式结构。Adopt the gantry structure which have no Underbed.

本文概要介绍了多级门架的设计。The paper presents a design of a multi stage gantry.

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这是一种叫做轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机。This is called a rubber-tyred container gantry crane.

用舱口龙门吊来吊放它们。To be positioned and handled by hatch cover gantry crane.

一个小补血包及小弹药包可以从楼梯旁找到。A small health kit and ammo box can be found underneath the gantry.

要是在别处我们就会在一个小转播间离。Quite often, we are tucked away on a gantry or in a booth somewhere.

此超声波清洗机采用龙门多臂机械输送方式,运行快捷。Adopt the gantry multi-armed mechanically deferent manners, run fast.

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龙门锯床进锯机构采用三相桥式全控整流电路直流调速系统。DC speed adjusting system is used in feeding mechanism of gantry saw.

门吊式贴装机的拾取精度受其机械结构影响。Pick accuracy is affected by the mechanics of a gantry -style machine.

钢结构构造简单,主要有臂架、人字架、回转平台以及门架组成。Steel structures are jib and A-frame, slewing platform and gantry frame.

龙门式设计,少占地面空间,便于车辆进出。Gantry design, save the space, convenient for vehicles drive -in or back out.

造船龙门起重机结构型式分为单梁和双梁。The structure of shipbuilding gantry crane has single and double girder types.

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较完整的完成了龙门起重机电气控制系统的设计。Finish the design of electricity control system of the gantry crane completely.

横梁采用一体铸造高刚性门型设计,提供最高动态研磨刚性。One piece cast gantry and double column design, providing max. structural rigidity.

滚珠丝杠龙门提供精确定位和高承载能力。The ball screw gantry provides precise positioning and high load carrying capacity.